~Wait, what?~

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His words send a hot flush through me like feeling the first summer breeze. Did I hear that correctly? why did he accept? I thought he was against it completely only the other day, so what has made him suddenly change his mind and that fast. I want to ask him but I'm afraid of what his answer might be. Swirling my red wine around in my glass I realize something. Half of the bottle is already gone when I've still got the same glass he handed me earlier. Did he drink all of that while I was overthinking every little thing? Can vampires even get drunk? "Dante, are you sure about this? I hope you don't feel like I'm forcing you or something" I speak to him, softly while not making eye contact in hopes he doesn't see the shame written all over my face from asking him to do such a thing.

His hand reaches out for the bottle of wine this time swigging some from the bottle and then pouring the rest into his glass. He really is drinking a fair amount. "You really think I would turn down an offer like that?" he looks at me with one eyebrow slightly raised, his hand clasps around my chin, forcing me to gaze upon him "If only you could taste what you taste like" He smirks as he speaks, causing my face to redden even more and to gulp hard. Not losing eye contact I spoke, "But you said it was dangerous to feed on me, why the sudden change?" now whispering as our faces are too close to talk at normal volume but he let out a giggle, still while holding onto my chin not showing any signs of him letting go any time soon "Darling, It is dangerous, but isn't that why it excites you?" smirking as he spoke, what did he just say to me?.

He has to be drunk or something. Excites me? what exactly does he mean by that? does he know that it gets to me in ways it really shouldn't? Surely he can't know that, it's not possible. I force words out my mouth even tho I'm struggling to even breathe right now because of how close he is to me, it's making me nervous. "W-what exactly do you mean by that?" I can't take my eyes away from his, he's not letting me. His eyes are scanning mine as he leans in closer, his hot breath now resting against my ear and he whispered "It excites me too". My body feels like it's melting, is he messing with me? He pulls his head back to face me again, eyes now gleaming red. I shouldn't be attracted to this but I am, he's right, the danger of it is what excites me. He's now not saying a word, just staring deeply at me. Is he waiting for me to do something first? or is he preparing to do something himself.

Without a thought, I place the empty glass down on the table wondering if this was all a dream. I reach up to his face, stroking my fingertips against his icy cold cheek, it intrigues me. He peered down at my action then straight back to my eyes smirking like it had given him an idea. Suddenly in a flash I was laid on my back on the sofa with him on top of me, well this certainly brings back memories, one of his hands sliding down my leg and resting itself on my waist, tightly. The other hand slithered up the opposite side causing me to shiver and squirm. stopping at my neck stroking it with his cold fingers, but his hand didn't stay there long as it traveled further to the back of my neck, gripping a handful of my hair instead, making me accidentally let the moan out I tried desperately to keep in. He smiled cheekily at my efforts to disregard what is happening "Dante what are y-" interrupted by his index finger placed on my lips telling me to be quiet, he brushed across them slowly not taking his eyes off them "Do you know how fast your heart is going right now?" his hand trailed from my lips to my chest, just grazing the top of my breast in an attempt to feel my heartbeat.

I've never seen his pupils enlarge like that, he's looking at me like an animal would its prey. Why do I like it when he glares at me like that? His leg crept up between mine forcing them to part, knee pressing down on my groin my breath hitched in my throat, he smirked again. I looked down in embarrassment "Dante you're a bit close to my-" his hand rushed from my chest and clasped my cheek, he tilted my head back up to him "Isn't this what you're really excited for?" his face now dead serious I can feel the heat from my cheek warm his hand. His face is now so close I can smell the bitter red wine coming from his breath, but he doesn't stay there long as my head starts to lean away from him, exposing my neck. My leg wraps around his, edging him closer to me, am I doing this or is he? I don't know anymore, I'm too entranced by him. His lips brush down my jawline to my bare nape and back up, he repeated the same thing again but this time his hot tongue did the trailing, my body quaked, his weight on top of me increased as I realized his groin was now nudging mine causing me to twitch in all different ways. "Dante you're-" he chuckled before I could finish my sentence and whirled my head back to him, studying my reactions.

"Don't I get to play with my food?"

A/N: sorry for the delay guys have not been very well at all >.<

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