~Who's there??~

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Eric. Standing right before me looking amused at my cowering self right now. I was frozen to this very spot until he strode into my home bumping into me which caused me to fall, I squirmed backward on my hands, only to be stopped by my coffee table. Then closes the door behind him and turns the key leaving me no escape from this wretched man I used to call my partner. Unable to get up from the floor I decide to at least attempt to speak to him, not that I want to, "how did yo-" suddenly startled by him moving his face to within centimetres from mine still with the smug look on his face "how did I find you?," he stole the words right out of my mouth "I've found you before haven't I little fox? besides only, you would go with such an obvious pen name as 'Will. oh,' don't you remember who gave you that idea? after that, all it took was to search for small areas as I know you like places with good views but little people, and there you were right in the bunch ready to grab, only took me a few weeks" he snickered. 

All the memories spread in my head like wildfire, remembering everything he did, everything he caused, he ruined my life, when suddenly my sadness turned to rage and I shot a glare towards him "You took everything from me! my job, my heart and most of all you took my parents! what could you possibly want from me now, I have nothing left because of you" trying to catch my breath as I pushed myself from the floor onto my feet, now standing in front of him and our eyes are locked in place. The silence stretches between us for a moment, as I try to calm my quivering hands, a moment that felt like an hour before he let out a shriek of laughter.  "Oh, sweetheart you think this is all about you that's cute" his smile turns into a hostile glare as he advances toward me. "you don't think I lost precious things too? my entire company run into the ground, my money, barely any change in my ripped up pockets and the loan sharks have been after me for months that I lost my home" he screamed "Is that all you care about? money? you killed my fucking parents you monster!" I shouted so loud my lungs almost lost their air which left me gasping and he just snickered back draining all my power from me, all the energy I used to not be afraid of him even if it was just for a second of anger.

That all changed when the room went cold as he reached into his back pocket and suddenly his eyes went dark, making me want to creep back towards my room. "Well, you wondered what else could I take from you that you haven't already lost, how about your life ?" the blade flickered as it reflected from my light, big and polished with my name written all over it. Now is the time for fight or flight to kick in and I'm done running from him anymore.  I lunged at the first item in sight which was a rolling pin I had left out from breakfast, "not going out the window like last time I see, you really are a stupid girl" with a deadly look in his eyes he charged at me, still obviously a little off target from the whisky he so loves to chug down.

 I managed to duck out of the way in the nick of time and get one swift hit in on the back of his head sending him straight into the kitchen counter. Only to anger him more my adrenaline kicked in and I now needed to run, heading for my front door but I didn't expect him to get back up so fast and he swung the glistening blade aiming for my throat, I threw up my hand it was the only thing I could do as it sliced through my palm just deep enough for blood to gush. The quick movement made me lose my footing and I tumbled to the ground hard-hitting the cold wooden flooring, within seconds not giving me time to react he was on top of me hovering the blade above his head. 

Still holding the rolling pin I batted at the same time he did which caused the blade to fly out of his hand and under the set of draws by the TV, he grinned in a kind of "really?" way as he grabbed my only weapon and threw it across the room then dived for my neck with both grubby hands. So this is how it ends, not much of a life to go on, no friends, nobody to mourn me when this is over the only plus side is I'll get to see my parents again. Grip getting tighter and arms getting tired of trying to push him off they dropped down, but wait I never finished my book, I've never walked in the across the forest from my home yet, it's the little things they say I never believed that saying but in this case that was enough. 

Gasping for air I managed to get one little word to seep out of my mouth "help" realizing I wanted to live, for a second I thought my life flashed before my eyes but that wasn't it. The crash noise wasn't my heart-stopping nor was it my neck-breaking, it was my front door and that light was the daylight that followed behind it. When suddenly the weight was pulled from my chest, my eyes were fluttering in and out of consciousness, everything was a haze, like when you first wake up and have too much sleep in your eyes that you can barely keep your eyes open. Another crash and it was almost like Eric just got pinned against a wall inhumanly, feet not even touching the ground, it was then I saw the black figure holding him by his neck with one hand. 

My eyes still opening and closing, and when they opened again Eric was slithering to the floor, the body just a lifeless piece of junk now basically the same as he was before then if you catch my drift. Right before my eyes were about to close again this time feeling heavier than the last one, I managed to catch a glimpse of my saviour still blurry vision but when they focused for a second all I saw were red then suddenly emerald green eyes "Dante?" ... 

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