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It's been a full day since the last face-to-face with Dante, just exchanging texts back and forth, asking each other what we have done today, what we have eaten, and generally just checking up on one another. How I crave to see him again, I'm becoming obsessed with him, he's becoming a big part of my life and each day my feelings grow stronger and stronger. Today I have done nothing but clean to distract myself from these bottled up feelings for the mystery man next door.

I needed to get some air and something to snack on, heading to the shop should suffice for now as I'm not in the mood to go for a long walk, the weather is miserable. I grab my black tote bag just big enough to fit some small items and throw on some trainers. I glance out the window debating if I should go or not, it's raining and I needed an umbrella as well so I unhooked my brolly from the coat stand near my front door, putting on a thin long leather coat to cover my jeans and white long-sleeved top and I was ready to go. 

As I left I opened my rainbow brolly, a lot similar to the one mother gave me when I was just a child, shielding me from the cold rain. I picked up the pace to get there and back fairly quickly as the wind was beginning to pick up, lucky me the shop is only a 2-minute walk, probably a 1-second walk if Dante were to do it in his vamp speed. The smell of the rain is so refreshing, and memories of drinking hot chocolate with my father and trading books slithered into my mind, how I missed my parents so dearly on days like this. 

I wandered past an alleyway just next to the shop and as I did I heard a wolf whistle, I don't dare look but for some reason I did, maybe since spending time with Dante has helped me to not be afraid of most things I should be afraid of. Three roughed up men were all holding bottles of beer, I can smell them from here, that typical pungent offensive smell lingered in the air. "hey pretty lady you want to come play with us?" one of them shouted, I just rolled my eyes in disgust and continued to enter the shop.

While in there I shoot a text to Dante asking if he needed anything and he replied instantly like he was waiting for my text.  Dante: Just cigarettes, you know I would have come with you, you shouldn't go alone at night. His text back made me smile, it's nice to know he worries about my well-being, I shoot back another text telling him I'm fine by myself, that I will only be a matter of minutes and that I'll get what he asked for, putting my phone in my back jean pocket. Upon getting his cigs I grabbed myself some crisps, milk, and a small microwave meal as I'm not feeling a big meal today, I pay and exit the shop, waving thank you to the cashier on my way. 

The rain hasn't subsided, it merely got worse as I'm now realizing my white top was drenched and now it's see-through exposing my red brassiere. I hogged my brolly tight as I began to walk, walking past the alleyway I noticed the men were gone, but they weren't gone, for they had surrounded me. "Where are you going, pretty princess? don't you want some company on this miserable night?" They chuckled as the main man spoke, a chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine. I don't speak a word to them and just try to push past, but they get in the way, bumping my arm with such force, making me drop my brolly and tote bag. 

I just glared at them and leaned down to pick up my things but one of them grabbed my hair from behind and pulled it up tight towards his chest "I think she does want to play, don't you boys?" it hurts and I grunt loudly but nothing could be done, I start to squirm under his hold before another man pulls out a knife forcing me to stop. They began laughing as they start to drag me into the very alley they had just been conversing in, before violently throwing me to the cold wet gravel, my knees begins to ache as soon as I hit the floor, looking down and realizing they are seeping blood through my jeans I knew if I didn't do something now I could end up dead. 

Without another second to think about how to get out of this mess I did the only thing I thought possible, I grabbed my phone which remained in my back pocket and had yet to be damaged by the rain and I called Dante, just as he answered the phone was pulled from my hands and I was stricken across the face so hard it could have knocked me out, I could taste my blood in my mouth. The metallic taste filled my mouth and I scowled over at the man who did it, holding my phone in his hands so proudly "nobody is coming to help you, nobody can hear you pretty girl" he smirked, which angered me because I now know this was my only chance, so I took a breath and screamed so loudly it hurt my throat "DANTE HELP", this, unfortunately, provoked the men and the foul man who held my phone threw it further into the alley and snatched me by the scuff of my shirt.

Pinning me against the bricked walls of the dark alley as they held the knife to my throat "naughty girls get punished" he said as the other men stood behind as if waiting for their turns, he waved the knife around my damp hair, curving it around my face and bringing it to a stop when a figure appeared at the entrance of the alley "get lost or you'll get hurt too" one of the men shouted from behind, but the man still stood, the only thing I could see was his shoulders rising up and down as if he had run all the way here. "Willow close your eyes" Dante spoke in a fearless tone and eyes that began to redden, without further ado I close them tight, knowing exactly what was coming. 

I felt a rush of cold air go past my face and the weight that was the man's hands left my collar, I kept them shut as I heard the whines of the unknown men that threatened me earlier come to a stop until all I could hear was the rain hitting my jacket. Still frozen to the spot I was left in, then suddenly a hand touched my face, it was so cold it made me jump, "You can open your eyes now" his voice was so soft it calmed me into opening them. 

Dante who stood in the rain with no jacket or shoes, covered in spatters of blood had come to rescue me, my first instinct was to hug him and that is exactly what I did, my arms threw themselves around his waist and what I thought was more rain hit my cheeks, but the rain wasn't salty, I had begun to cry, the tears just kept coming, pouring out, exposing my need for him, my want for him. His hand caressed my wet hair, comforting me "You're alright now, I'm here, I'm sorry if I took too long. Your legs are hurt I'll carry you if that's alright?" he whispered, and I nodded approving it was okay to do so. 

while carrying me in his arms like a princess just like the foul man had called me I thought about his words, but it soon disappeared from my mind when I realised how fast Dante had got there, he didn't take too long, in fact, he probably took seconds but it all went by so quickly and I was so terrified I didn't bother to notice until now. 

Hugging around his neck and nuzzling into his chest he smelled like coffee, so calming, I studied him with my eyes, knowing I was safe, and had come to understand that I was completely and unintentionally in love with him. 

The smell of smoke and curiosityWhere stories live. Discover now