~The one~

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After many hours of discussing his past and a lot of different emotions filling the room, it had finally come to an end. There was nothing left to say or ask, the only thing left was to comfort him in this vulnerable time, he was lonely and had been for many years, he's confided in me because trusts me and I thoroughly trust him with my life also. My eyes skimmed to the clock it was near 8 pm, dinner time, so I looked back over at Dante who hadn't moved a muscle since he last spoke, "how about we have dinner together? are you hungry, also you told me you were a chef when you were human I'm gonna go out on a whim and say that was a lie?" I must have said something funny because he made a loud cackle, I've never heard him laugh that loud.

He looked at me with a smile on his face, oh how I missed that smile. "I just told you probably one of the worst stories you ever heard and after snapping back to the present you ask me if I'm hungry, you really do amaze me, Willow and yes I lied because I didn't expect that kind of response from my story," he says as he taps my back lightly. "What? I get that you want me to be running in terror from the horror story you told but can we eat before I do that? also no more lying" I spat out sarcastically. He grins at me again and there's the Dante I fell for, I don't care what despicable things he had to do in his past, he's changed since then, I know he has.

Before I knew it he swept me up, feet just dangling in the air and he spun me around, "And I got told the one was a myth in vampire lore" he smiled. My arms are around his neck and my legs are cradled around his waist, he is unbelievably strong but my face narrowed as his words confused me, "What does that mean?" my legs slid from him as he placed me back down onto the ground but he left my hands where they were. "Back when Cassius was telling me all about the vampire myths and legends he told me of one that he did hear was true, though he'd never encountered it he had heard stories from other vampires"

All I could think of at this time was how beautiful his eyes were, that and of course the fact there were more vampires out there than just him and his maker. "They called it 'The one' and it was supposed to mean when you met your fated partner you would sense it, humans can't do that, unfortunately, but we can" he smiled as he spoke, making me bubble up with questions. 

My hand stroked his hair out of his face and I wondered if I was his one, I hope I was. "So what are you supposed to sense when you encounter 'the one' and why did Cassius tell you about it if he never found it himself?" his face tightened as if he had never questioned why Cassius would tell him about it. "Perhaps he wanted me to have hope for something, to think of anything other than death. Going back to your first question however it's quite simple, our fated person gives off a scent, it's a strong aroma, like a field surrounded by sweet spring flowers and if you ever get the chance to taste them, their blood tastes like nothing ever tasted before" His hand wandered to my neck and he stroked his fingers ever so lightly, just enough to make me quiver. 

His actions made me gulp and my hand slid from his neck to his biceps, his eyes were transfixed on my neck, and he slowly pulled my hair back revealing it more for his eyes only. "Do you mind if I?" he whispered, I shook my head and tilted my neck, of course, I didn't mind, this was our deal and I am his meal, but I do wonder if that is all I am to him. I do wish to be more but I'm too frightened to tell him how I feel about him, especially if them feeling aren't reciprocated. Without a moment spare, he leaned to my neck and kissed it before carefully digging in and taking his fill.

Pleasure swoons me, intoxicating my every move as he drains my power until eventually comes to a halt, pulling off me gently. His eyes still red and fangs elongated I reached out to him and brushed crossed his lips, wiping away the remainder of his meal which made him smile, "you seriously are beautiful" the thought slipped right out of my mind and through my mouth making me redden in the face. He giggled realizing what I had just done "And you seriously are fascinating" he smirked pulling my body closer to his and attaching his lips to mine snuggling them together in utter paradise, it felt like heaven so enchanting, I need to tell him how I truly feel.  

Before long we uncoupled, deserting my lips. "You should eat too, what would you like?" he's placing a plaster over my neck covering his mark that I desperately wished was permanent, meanwhile my mind still wondered elsewhere, contemplating how to tell him about this pitter-patter feeling in my heart. "Anything will do, maybe something small" he pulled away from me and smiled, picking up his wallet and cigarette packet from the coffee table, giving me one last peck on my forehead, and off he went to the shop. 

Not long went by before he was back in my home and cooking in my kitchen, the smell of onions and mushrooms filled the air, and then dinner was served. Risotto is one of my all-time favourites. We passed short words while I ate and knew today was not the right day to tell him, not after all we have shared, he needed comfort and someone to listen, he didn't need my feelings right now, he just needed me. Lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice he was staring at me so a question came to mind "do you ever miss being human?" his smile which followed was not a happy one but succumbed with sadness. "sometimes, in times like this of course I do, I miss sharing food with someone special, I miss the sun and seeing it rise. But sometimes I don't because I know I can't be hurt by anybody ever again". 

His words stung in my chest, knowing how much pain he has gone through in his lifetime I knew that becoming what he is now hurt him the most. He kissed my cheek before standing up, announcing his stay has finally come to an end. "On that note, I shall take my leave, I will see you tomorrow Willow" and he left without another sound. 

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