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I figured you guys at least deserved to know what I planned on making happen in this story, so here is what I had planned out before I stopped writing:

NOTE: (some parts were written out beforehand. writings that are in the same section but not meant to be together will be spaced out with +++ between them. parts in bold are the main outline. a simplified version will be at the end.)

btw soviet is the one that fucked russia up. good job to those of you who guessed it. also he's not his dad. i made this story before i found out how relations typically worked in this fandom. no one is anyone's parent

"Maybe you left the room unlocked." America didn't even look at Russia while addressing him, maybe trying to be cold, or feeling too guilty to look him in the eye. Russia couldn't tell.

"Bullshit. I know you had something to do with this." The words tasted sour in his mouth, as if he had just swallowed a pint of stomach acid. "All my shit is ruined."

America ignored him. It was like he didn't even care. He just sat on his own bed cross-legged, playing some stupid mobile game on his phone. "Sucks."

It only took Russia one stomp to cross the room and smack the phone out of America's hands, the device bouncing on the bedsheets and hitting the floor with a loud crack that almost made Russia wince. "Fucking look at me when I talk to you."

All he got was an eyeroll. "Yeah, okay dad."

America laid on his stomach, reaching over the edge of his bed and scooping his phone up. It only took a second for him to go from apathetic to furious, brandishing the cracked screen at Russia as he scowled at him, finally looking Russia in the eyes. "Look what you did! You better buy me a new one, you emo bitch."

"No." Russia turned away from America and went back to his side of the room, tasting just the faintest hint of satisfaction on his tongue as he began to straighten his desk up. It looked like a whirlwind had blown through his side of the room. He had to be careful where he stepped to avoid the glass shards of a broken bottle on the floor. "Fucking hell, look at this mess," he mumbled under his breath.

America somehow heard and decided that it warranted his own mumbled response. "Not like you don't deserve it."

Russia whipped his head around to glare at him, but America had already bent his head back down to inspect the cracked screen of his phone, eventually deciding it was fine and opening another game app.

Did he really deserve this?

"And you deserve a nice fist to the teeth, but you don't see me going through with that," Russia muttered bitterly, bending down to pick up some torn pages. This was all old homework, he could just throw it away. Wasn't like he'd be using them to study.

He just couldn't believe that America would stoop this low and think nothing of it. It didn't matter if it wasn't him carrying out the specific action of destroying Russia's stuff; he might as well have been the one flinging snowglobes out the window for all Russia cared. He was such a...

Russia mouthed a few choice words to himself, each one more vicious than the last. Selfish little bitch. Manipulative whore. A fucking waste of space and an overall nuisance.

America was a horrible person.

"I'm sorry."


Russia turned around halfway to get a good look at America, who was still stationed on his bed, eyes glued to his phone. Did he really just--?

"I said I'm sorry."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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