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nani? another chapter?

Russia couldn't believe his luck. Of course he had lost his wallet. Of course it had happened to him and not Mr. Perfect over there who was playing flappy bird on his iPhone. Of course -

"Whatcha looking for?" America asked innocently. Despite drinking last night, he seemed fine this morning.

Russia scowled as the other interrupted his train of thought. "My wallet," he muttered, checking under his sheets before dropping to his knees to look under the bed. "I think I lost it yesterday, so I'm going to have to stop by the Lost 'n Found and hope somebody returned it."

"Oh, your wallet?" America sounded like he had just remembered something. "Dude, I have it! Here, hold on - "

Russia turned to America right as the other tossed Russia the folded black square. Russia fumbled but caught it. "Why do you have my wallet?" he demanded suspiciously.

America quickly waved his hands in the air, looking nervous. "I just found it on the ground and picked it up! I didn't steal it or anything, I swear!"

"I wasn't thinking you had stole it," Russia sighed, checking the outside of his wallet before opening it. "I was just curious."

"Okay, okay," America muttered, going back to playing his game.

Russia peered into his wallet. "Everything's gone."

America looked up. "Huh?"

Now shaking his wallet upside down, Russia repeated himself, a bit more panicked. "Everything's gone!" He immediately leveled a glare at America, who looked worried. "This isn't funny, where's my stuff?"

"I- I didn't take anything out of it, I promise!" America defended himself under Russia's stare. "I just found it! And what do you mean everything's gone?"

Russia looked back into his empty wallet with despair. "I meant what I said. Everything's gone - my money, license, student ID - nothing's left." Russia felt his heart drop as he realized the small photos he had hidden in there were gone too. "At least I don't use credit cards."

America was silent for a few seconds, looking very guilty. "They - they said they were going to leave the important stuff," he said quietly. Russia's head snapped towards him.

"What did you say?" he growled. America jumped.


"What do you mean, 'leave the important stuff'?" Russia demanded, anger rising. He took a step towards the other country, and America scrambled back on his bed. "You did take all my stuff, didn't you? Or you at least knew about it!"

America shook his head so fast, Russia thought his neck was going to snap. "I didn't know! I promise!"

Russia swiftly bent down, so they were almost nose to nose. He could faintly see America's wide eyes behind his glasses. "You're a terrible fucking liar."

That had been a bluff, but the way America responded told Russia that he was right. "R-Russia, I swear, I thought everything was in there! I didn't... know..." America trailed off as Russia straightened, looming over him.

"Who has my stuff."

When America didn't answer, Russia pulled his shoes on and quickly left the room. He didn't need his useless roommate to tell him who took his stuff. He had a pretty good idea who it was anyways. And if he was wrong, then he would just go through all of America's friends, intimidating them until someone handed his belongings over.

not sure why i'm spending so much time on this wallet incident, but oh well


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