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Thank goodness people spoke English at the airport, thought the woman. Sierra took a taxi. She didn't want to take the risk of getting lost.

Jonas had five known addresses, and they had to be in five different cities to jive things up. If it weren't for Dirk Alström, his lawyer Sierra would have visited each address.

Sierra reflected on her actions; nothing made sense.

Nothing she did was sensible since the wedding, or was it a little before that?

When did she become such manna of nonsense?

Here she was on unknown territory with her son and four jam-packed suitcases and a backpack in front of Jonas's door with a hiccuping heart of apprehension.

Many scenarios moonwalked in her mind.

What would Jonas say or do?

Sierra didn't call to announce her arrival; she didn't even book a hotel room just in case.

What was she thinking?

How could she candidly believe the man would welcome her with open arms?

Worse, how could she assume she could stay at his place?

Sierra imagined how Jacob would knock his knuckles on her forehead if he knew how little she prepared her voyage.

Panic struck, her heart throbbed in an unearthly manner.

"Breathe, Sierra. Breathe."

Sierra closed her eyes, inhaled, exhaled, and rang the bell. She was already there, come what may.

A minute passed, she pressed the bell again; perhaps he didn't hear.

Slowly it became clear to her that Jonas wasn't home. Before disappointment cloaked her, Leone released a little papa of hope.

"Papa isn't here, Leone," but the little boy in Sierra's arms who saw over her shoulder continued, "papa."

"Sierra, is that you?"

Sierra's heart stopped. The voice came from behind. When the beats took off again, the woman heard a symphony of tribal drums as she turned to face bewildered Jonas.

Almost two months had passed since Jonas plummeted her wedding, and Vincent canceled.

Jonas left just like the first time without giving any news or waiting for an answer.

Everything happened so fast that the woman experienced an emotional glitch and let routine govern her. From the future bride, she became a divorcee.

Guilt played on her consciousness, she tried not to think of him, but it was impossible. It wasn't just the stolen kiss. Everything concerning the man from the moment they met taunted her daily.

Vincent asked her if she loved him and her truth was not anymore. After a walk in the guilt wilderness, her anger reached its climax once the emotion of love claimed her.


There stood the same old Jonas in front of a woman who saw him as a man.

Would he catch her if she fainted? The ground appeared to swirl under her feet, and Sierra felt giddy. Sierra fantasized and daydreamed daily, but real-life Jonas was spectacular, even unshaved with long ruffled hair.

"Sierra?" The man repeated and waited for a response as he, too, played the simulation game of their encounter.

Sierra gently put down Leone. The little boy stood steady.

HEJ, MY LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now