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Sierra sat up all night. The woman was shocked and hurt not by the Gauthiers' evil intent, which she knew. Jonas troubled her. Sierra was disappointed, and her stomach burnt as though she had drunk a gallon of citrus acid, and the discomfort remained the following day.

Two men and a baby exchanged stares while they sat without Sierra for breakfast, "I'll go and get her."

"Leave it, Jonas. I'll go."

Jacob went and knocked on the guestroom door next to the one he slept in.

"If it's you, Jacob, I'm not in the mood for one of your persuasion talks."

Things between the siblings became predictable after almost twenty-nine years.

Jacob opened the door and got another warning.

"I told you, Jacob."

"Sierra, stop giving everyone a hard time, will you."

Sierra sat up, "Jacob, he's the one who deserves the knuckles treatment. Hit Jonas just in the middle of his forehead between the eyes and before the nose slope begins."

Jacob looked at his sister knowingly, "Sierra, do you know how much your husband has been worrying about you?"

Jacob recalled the conversation he and Jonas had once Sierra went to sleep in the guestroom. Jonas told him about his sister's arrest and how, since he wasn't serene. Jonas suspected everyone and was afraid every time he left Sierra and Leone alone.

"Why didn't you tell me you got arrested?" Jacob asked.

"I didn't want you to worry."

"See, here you are burning your foyer down with anger when you are guilty of the same deed. You hid the incident from me so that I wouldn't debark here like fury."

"It's different, Jacob. That rule does not apply when the Gauthiers are involved. Jonas should have told me. He keeps acting as though I'll flake and flutter to ashes."

"Sierra, you are pregnant. Do you know what it implies? You're carrying life. It's precious, and your well-being and safety are a top priority for him. You can't possibly blame the man for wanting to preserve you."

"You're never on my side anyway. Ever since Jonas appeared, you've been rooting for him," Sierra said in a sulky tone while sliding her gaze to the side.

Jacob shook his head in disapproval, "that's because you only see one side of the story. Look, your husband and son are waiting to have breakfast with you. What did Leone do to deserve this, huh?"


"What did I do, huh? I came all this way to spend time with my sister and family. What do I get?" Jacob said, lifting an eyebrow.

Sierra sighed, realizing she punished everyone else as well. A few minutes later, she at the table, "don't look at me like that. I'm still angry, but I'm hungry," the woman snapped.

Once again, Jacob, the meditator, saved the day.

Leone's frightful stare made the woman smile, "I'm not mad at you, my baby." She then returned her focus to Jonas and glared.

Jonas accepted it; Sierra had all the right reasons to be mad. He was almost relieved to see she took things pretty well. The man even mentally scolded himself for underestimating his wife's resolve.

None knew at that moment; the dispute was the first flutter of butterfly wings. No, not all effects are immediate. Sierra wasn't porcelain, but she wasn't marble either.

Jonas left for his office shortly after, and the siblings went out. Sierra showed Jacob her favorite places in the city. They stopped at Vette- Kittens, one of the city's best bakeries, for tea.

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