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Jacob spent the afternoon catching up with the couple, and Sierra was happy to see Jonas stay with them for the day.

Before they knew it was dinner time.

It surprised Jacob not to see Sierra eat a lot, especially since she skipped lunch by sleeping.

"Aren't you going to eat more?" He asked.

"I'm not hungry."

"Liar," Jonas replied.

Sierra gave her husband a glowering stare, "Jonas."

Jonas turned to Jacob, "your sister is worried she won't lose the pounds she gains. You should see her exercising every day and pedaling to work."

Jacob listened before adding, "Sierra, you shouldn't push yourself."

"Oh, stop it, don't be like Jonas. He would have me sitting on a mat meditating for the next six months. I'm perfectly aware of what my body can do; I know my needs."

Leone's eyes switched from father to uncle; I could have told you that. Mommies know everything.

Sierra detested the way everyone imagined she was weak. Yes, the first few months were difficult, but she felt better, and she didn't want to be put on too much weight with the eating-for-two-concept.

"Okay, I hear you, Sierra." Jacob knew there was no changing his sister's mind when she decided something.

Sierra began to eat.

Jonas' gaze switched from his wife and Jacob, who harbored a concerned expression.

"For her defense, there's a lot of things she can't eat in quantity. It's frustrating."

Jonas thought of seafood. Not only could Sierra not eat them, but the smell of fish put her off. In a country where fish of various species filled every family's plate, the woman got more than she deserved concerning nausea.

After dinner, they sat down once more to chat. If Sierra put up a front for food, she surrendered without a fight to sleep, "sorry guys, I'd love to stay, but I won't hold another minute."

She gave Jonas a kiss, got up, and left.

The men talked about various subjects when Jacob suddenly asked.

"So, what is this thing you wanted to tell me about."

Jonas sighed; he hadn't said anything in the car. Jacob had just arrived, and he preferred to wait instead of bombarding the man with his troubles. It seemed it was time to explain to Jacob why it was he who had to travel to see Sierra and not the other way around, "it's the Gauthiers."

"I know they're snooping," Jacob added. Confronted by Jonas's bewildered expression, the man pursued, "some detective has been asking questions in the neighborhood. He visited all the places where Sierra had her habits, from Bussy's salon to church. I guess the Gauthiers know you two are married now."

Jonas had the answer on how they got informed about Sierra's move to Sweden.

"Jacob, it's worse than that. My lawyer has an injunction. They're attacking Sierra for kidnapping."

"What?" Jacob exclaimed louder than he intended.

"I had the same reaction. Listen, Sierra doesn't know."

"Jonas, you can't keep this from her. She'll ㅡ."

"What is it Sierra doesn't know?"

Both men turned to find the woman.

"Sierra," Jonas exclaimed.

"What is it the Gauthiers have done that I don't know, Jonas? "

"Sierra, I didn't want you to stress." The husband broke sweat under his wife's menacing stare.

"What is it?" Sierra switched her gaze to her brother, "Jacob."

"The Gauthiers have hired someone who is going around asking questions. Bussy, Amira, and a few others all had some stranger asking about you."

"What, Jonas, were you aware of this?"

Jonas had no choice but to speak; he wondered how Jacob managed to deliver such truths easily. The man forgot the pastor believed all facts had to be told, and there he opened a breach for him to express his.

Thus, Jonas shared the information, "Sierra, the Gauthiers have filed for kidnapping. If you set foot in France, they'll arrest you."

The woman gasped in horror, "this is it. This thing you've been hiding. It's the reason why you did want us to go to France. Jonasㅡ."

"I didn't want to add pressure on your shoulders."

"Wait a minute. You've known this for a month. You've been carrying this weightㅡ."

"Sierra, please don't be mad."

The woman turned on her heels and hurried to their bedroom. Jonas immediately jolted from the couch to follow her.

"What are you doing?" Jonas asked when he entered the room and saw Sierra grasp her phone.

"I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. I'm tired, Jonas; I'm sick of being bullied and harassed by these people. All my life, they tormented me. They ruined Jacob's and my father's existence. They'veㅡthey ruined Cecileㅡthey," Sierra broke down, and Jonas approached to take the phone from her hands.

"I can't, Jonas. I can't let them do this to us, to you. Did you think I didn't notice you haven't been yourself lately? Why hide this from me?"

"I wanted to protect you."

Sierra broke free from his embrace, "no, I told you to stop thinking I'm glass. You speak of vows. Do you think I chose mine in a Selecta machine like a snack between the Snickers and the Twix? I've got your back as much as you've got mine. How often do I have to tell you not to hide these things from me."

"Sierra, don't shout you'llㅡ."

"Mama," Leone wiped his sleepy eyes. Jacob, who was at the door, met the boy halfway and picked him up, "Hey, little buddy, we're making too much noise for you, sorry." Jacob made his way back to the living room; there was no need for Leone to witness the dispute.

Left alone with Jonas, Sierra began to pace, "we have to do something. Can't we sue them for harassment or something?"

"Dirk has already done that."


"Sierra, we can't go faster than the law."

Sierra threw her hands up, "I can't sit here waiting."

"We can't do anything else. Please calm down."

"Hey, you had a month to digest, I'mㅡ, and you. I can't even express myㅡargh." Sierra stormed past Jonas and out the room, crossing Jacob. She entered another room and slammed the door.

Jacob nodded, "well, I think that went pretty well."

"Jacob, she's in the guestroom."

"Oh, eh, she'll calm down. Don't worry. She'll come down," Jacob said, hoping Sierra would not make his words a lie.

For the first time since they wedded, the couple slept in separate rooms, or at least they tried.

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