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The bridesmaids' debate got interrupted by Leone, who made noise. The boy tried to defend his mom.

Who were the people kissing her?

Only his father and he were allowed to do that.

Also, did they even ask her permission?

The little boy couldn't know it was a Swedish tradition.

"Non," the boy yelled while Rufus barked, and his cousins stared in dismay at the boy who clung to his mother's gown. As always, it was Jonas who came to the rescue fetching both wife and furious child. Leone cried while holding on to Sierra.

The woman cuddled him while patting the boy on the back.

"Lars, I told you not to do this," Jonas said.

It was a joyful day that Jonas wished to savor without an incident.

Sierra got up and touched Jonas's arm, "it's okay, Jonas, there's no harm done."

Jonas held back. It wasn't just the fact Lars left Sierra no choice, but also he hated the idea of seeing his son cry.

"Come on, Jonas, they were just having fun," his father said and patted him on the back.

"Yeah, Jonas. Don't fuss; it's nothing. Why don't you two open the ball instead," Sigrid said.

The couple suddenly remembered they had not danced. Jacob came and took Leone from Sierra's arms. The boy was no longer in the mood to play. His cousins followed Jacob, who sat down with Rufus at his feet. The dog acknowledged his young master's pain sat sadly.

"Jonas," Sierra touched his face to redirect his gaze on her.

"I'm sorry, Sierra."

"Relax, Jonas. Let's dance."

It was a first; they had not rehearsed. None knew each other's worth when it came to rhythm. The newlyweds hadn't even picked a song, but they realized they knew or recalled the original version of the music that played.

Jonas's mother chose Time After Time, sung by Sam Smith. Sierra not only discovered Jonas could dance, but she followed his lead without any trouble.

May forgot Rut and was about to begin another wallowing session when a hand stretched out to her.

It wasn't Lars but another man just as charming. Jade got invited too, and Dima remained seated. Of course, she didn't benefit from the pretty privilege that had men kneeling before her. Still, it didn't stop her from dreaming that one day she would star in her love story, if not in a movie.

Leone, now calm, watched his parents. The scene made him sleepy, and it wasn't long before he dozed off in his uncle's arms.

The couple stared into the eyes of each other. Everything and everyone faded. Jonas leaned to whisper things in Sierra's ears that made her giggle.

"Wow, that was a close call," Elsa said.

"Joshua, you know how Rut is."

"I know, look, nothing happened. I don't even think Jonas saw her."

"I hope not. Thank goodness Ulrich isn't paying attention either."

In the meantime, Jonas and Sierra finished dancing. The clock ticked, and before anyone realized it, the couple had to leave. Sierra went back to the room to change into a more comfortable outfit.

"Jonas, we have a problem," May announced as she came to find him and his parent's in front of the mansion.

"A problem, where's Sierra?"

"She doesn't want to leave. I mean, she doesn't want to leave Leone."

Jonas frowned with awkwardness as he imagined how his parents could interpret this.

"Jonas, what's wrong?"

"Please try to understand. Sierra has never left Leone for more than a day with anyone except me."

His mother nodded, "go and find her."

Jonas went up to her room and knocked," Sierra."

"Come in."

Sierra sat on the bed and watched Leone sleep.

"Sierra, we need to go."

"I know it's just ten days seems a lot."

Jonas came to sit next to her, "I understand. It's difficult for me too, but I really wish we have a little time for ourselves. It's the best occasion for Leone to detach himself from you a little."

"I'm not sure I want that," the woman replied.

"Sierra, please stop. My parents might get the wrong idea. They might think you don't trust them."

"Oh, no, Jonas."

Sierra realized how the situation appeared to her in-laws and revised, "okay, just give me a few minutes."

Jonas nodded, got up, and went to reassure his parents. Leone woke up just after, "mama."

"Oui, mon bébé."

Leone smiled and sat up.

"Leone, maman et papa partent on lune de miel. [mom and dad are going on a honeymoon]."

"Miel [honey]," repeated Leone.

There was that moon and honey formula again. Why were his parents so obsessed with honey and the moon.

"Oui, Leone, mais nous allons revenir bientôt. Sois sage avec mamie et papi [yes, Leone, but we'll be back soon]. Sierra caressed his hair, "je t'aime fort mon bébe [I love you strong, my baby french expression].

Leone looked up at her, "bisous, mama."

Sierra kissed, hugged, and went down to join Jonas with him.

"Ah, finally," Jonas's father said.

"I'm sorry."

"No, worries, Sierra. Come and see grandma, Leone," the little boy leaned and let his gran take him.

"Ready, Sierra?"

She nodded, and all huddled around to bid the couple farewell.

"Take care, Sierra."

"You'll get a role, Dima. You're a star."

Dima smiled and stepped back to let May hug her, "Sierra, I think I'm going to move here. Take care."

Jacob shook Jonas's hand and hugged him, "take care of one another."

The farewells continued, and as usual, Lars ended the festivities with one of his Lars specials, "the bets are open. I don't know why but I doubt these two will sightsee anything else than their bedrooms mattress. So I say we'll be celebrating a birth in July."

"Lars," Elsa said and slapped him on the arm.

Lars winked at Jonas, who returned the gesture before getting into the taxi.

All stood to wave and watch their departure. The couple looked back until the silhouettes faded before staring at one another. Jonas kissed Sierra, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

A new arc of their life began as Mr. and Ms. Potsmann.

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