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"Are you sure you want to wear that?"

The man eyed Sierra up and down, making the woman self-aware.

"Yes, why?"

"First because it's at least thirty degrees outside. Secondly, because we're going by bike."

"Bike," Sierra's eyes grew wide, "you want me to ride a bike?"

"Yes, my parent's house is barely fifteen minutes away. Can't you ride a bike?"

"Yes, I can, but it's been like a decade since I did, and what about Leone?"

"I already rented a seat."

Sierra looked at her attire. She was meeting his parents, and for some reason, she thought it would be better if she covered up with a shirt and jeans. The Potsmann's weren't the Patels, though.

Jonas and Leone were in shorts and tees. Sierra decided to switch to a white tank top and wide-leg fluid trousers. She would fold the hems for the bike ride, which she hoped would not make her break too much sweat.

The Swedish cycled and ecological Jonas was a cycling patriot.

Finally, the experience wasn't so bad. After a few minutes of shaky beginnings, the ride was relatively simple.

It allowed Sierra to admire the colorful buildings of Stockholm.

Jonas's parents lived in Kungslomen, located across the water from Norrmalm. The area known to be calm, with many green spaces, cozy cafes, and restaurants, was a pleasant place for those wishing to relax within the city.

His siblings would be there too with their spouses and children.

Sierra had the complete picture. The woman knew why Jonas didn't show up at Leone's birthday or why he didn't come to see them before that.

She lectured, and all Jonas expressed was his wish for her to meet his family.

Now Jonas rang at the door of his parent's home.

The visit had a particular feeling attached to it. It was not the first but a crucial second time Sierra met someone's parents. Sierra knew a family's rejection. Her previous experience still lingered and added pressure on Sierra's shoulders as she wondered whether the Potsmann would be the same.

Would there be an Ishaan to make her uncomfortable?

Would there be a critical eye on her lifestyle?

Sierra trembled, but Jonas took her hand while holding Leone in the other, "Relax."

"I'm okay."

The door opened, and Jonas lightly squeezed her hand.

A little girl about eight years with a blond bob haircut stood in the doorway wearing a bright orange linen dress that reminded Sierra Cecile, "farbroher [uncle]," she exclaimed. Two dogs ran past her in circles around Jonas and Sierra, who wondered if all Swedish had pets.

Leone already giggled. This new country was more fun than his homeland.

"Hej Millie," Jonas patted her head. Millie smiled and greeted Sierra before going crazy over Leone, "can I hold him. Can I, uncle?" She caressed Leone's hand. The little boy immediately hid in his father's tee.

"Just give him a minute Millie. You can carry him later when he's a little more at ease."

Jonas stepped inside, Sierra followed. They had taken a few steps when his mother came to greet them.

"Welcome, Sierra," the woman took her in her arms.

"Eh em, hello," Sierra didn't know how to react as the woman rocked her from side to side.

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