Chapter 22: New Routine

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Day one of homeschool for Shania and she was up bright and early. She took a shower and put on a lilac colored sweatshirt and sweatshorts. She left her damp hair down and untied. Tina came to Shania's room at 7.45am just to make sure that Shania's awake and she was relieved to find that she was not only awake but showered as well.

Papa Lee was already seated at the dining table when Shania walked in. "Good morning Pa," chirped Shania as she gave her father a hug and he gave her a peck on her forehead.

"I'm proud of you for getting to breakfast early! Keep this up," Papa Lee patted Shania on her head and gave her a pleased smile.

The dining table was already set with different breakfast menu for each one of the family members. A bowl of Bubur Ayam (chicken congee) and black coffee for Papa Lee, Mama Lee has a bowl of berries and tropical fruits, Chris has an avocado toast topped with eggs and a bowl of fruits, and Shania has a stack of fluffy blueberry pancakes.

"Thank you for making me my favorite pancakes, Armand!" Shouted Shania to Armand in the kitchen who gave her a wave and nod.

"Oh, you're a chirpy one this morning," Chris said as he walked in to the dining room and Shania came to him for a hug.

"Naya, your lessons start at 8.30am. Come on everyone, let's say grace so Naya can get to her class on time," Mama Lee clapped and sat herself down beside Papa Lee.

After saying grace, the Lees started eating their breakfast and conversed about different things. Shania was quiet and Chris noticed that she was picking on her pancakes and only nibbling small pieces. He pulled her plate and started slicing her pancakes into small bitesized pieces.

"What's wrong sweetie? You were so excited seeing the pancakes earlier," asked Mama Lee.

Chris placed Shania's plate back in front of her and pushed her chair closer to the table.

"I don't know, my stomach feels funny," replied Shania as she pierces her fork into a piece of pancake that Chris has cut up.

"You're just nervous for your first day of classes with a new teacher," Chris replied as he patted Shania's head gently.

"Naya, hurry on with your breakfast. You need to be in your study in 10 minutes," Papa Lee reminded Shania as he sips on his coffee.

Naya shoves another mouthful of pancakes into her mouth and thinking how helpful it was that Chris has cut it up for her.

"Tina? Please do something to Naya's hair," Mama Lee called out to Tina as Shania's hair was slightly damp and was left untied. Tina came scurrying to the dining room with a hairbrush and some hair ties.

"Give those to me, I'll do it," Chris stood up and grabbed the hairbrush from Tina. He brushed Shania's hair as she continued eating and tied her hair up into a high ponytail.

"Go get ready for class, Naya," Chris says as he grabbed Shania's shoulder to stand her up.

"But I'm scared," whined Shania.

"You'll be fine, we'll see you during your lunch break," Mama Lee gave her a smile.

1st Period

Shania was accompanied by Chris to the classroom that Papa Lee has remodelled. Entering the classroom, there is a reading area with two chaise lounges to the right. The bathroom was beside the reading area. In the center of the room, there is a large 3 meters long oak table that is able to be raised and lowered (sit stand desk). Three of the walls has panels of full height windows all around to bring in light and create an open area. The right side of the class of walls with no windows has full height shelvings for books and supplies, and the left side of the class has built-in study where Shania's iMac sits. Across the room from the door and reading area, there was a large black board (according to the designer, since there was a lot of light coming into the room, it's best that they used a black board for visibility).

Colin was seated at his desk on the right side of the classroom in front of the blackboard. 

"Welcome to first day of class, Shania," Colin stood up and walked towards the Lees with his palm reaching out for a shake.

"Hi, you can call me Naya," Shania reached her hand to return the handshake while hugging and hiding behind Chris.

"Naya. And you can call me Mr Colin or Sir," replied Colin with a smile.

"Okay, before we start 1st period, let's talk about ground rules and some expectations I have of this class," Colin spoke as Chris nodded as he pushed Shania towards the table in the middle of the room.

"Each period is 50 minutes with 10 minutes break at the end," Colin started. "The 10 minutes breaks are meant for you to get your wiggles out by walking around or doing stretches, or you can use this time for the washroom. There are 7 periods in one day. Since you have tennis on Mondays and Thursdays, and piano on Tuesdays, those days will only have 6 periods," Colin spoke while reading off a printed timetable.

"Instead, the three periods will be carried on to Saturdays," Colin said as he put the timetable down. Upon hearing that, Shania's eyes widened. "But aren't schools closed on the weekends? Why do I have to do school on Saturdays?" Complained Shania.

"Shania, stop protesting. It's just three hours of classes on Saturdays," Chris spoke up. "But that means I can't even sleep in during the weekends!" Whined Shania and Chris squeezed her arm as if to warn her.

Colin cleared his throat and continued, "you will be sent out of this classroom with homework that I expect to be completed accordingly. Not doing so will result in a pink slip that requires a signature from either your parent or your brother". Chris then commented, "getting that pink slip means you will be punished."

"Colin is permitted to punish you in the classroom depending on your behaviour. Those would warrant an orange slip which again, needs to get acknowledgement. Even if you've already been punished by Colin, you may still get punished by either me or Papa." Chris added.

Hearing everything, Shania just stared at her hands that were resting on the table. She was feeling frustrated from her predicament. Chris saw her pouting and looking visually upset.

"Do you want to say anything, Naya?" Chris asked. "I don't want to do this! I didn't sign up for this and it's unfair and I hate everything and I want to go back to Singapore!" Shania shouted as she stood up from her seat and headed towards the door.

As she was walking out the door backwards, she bumped into Papa Lee who has been standing by the door. "Shania Lauren Lee, I don't think you are supposed to have this attitude towards your brother and teacher. I want you to apologize and get back in your seat if not we can spend an afternoon in my study with the cane and strap," Papa Lee grabbed Shania's chin to make her look into his eyes as he sternly warned her.

With tears in her eyes and choking on her own breaths Shania faced her brother and Colin and apologized, "I'm sorry". "What are you sorry for?" Papa Lee asked trying to make Shania speak in a full sentence. "I'm sorry that I threw a tantrum and was rude to you," Shania spoke looking at the ground. "What do you promise?" Papa Lee continued. "I will listen to Mr Colin," Shania said softly while slowly looking up to Mr Colin who was standing with his arms crossed.

"Very well, get seated. We'll leave you with Mr Colin. See you at lunch. Be good," Chris patted Shania's head and enunciated the final two words with emphasis.

Shania knew that homeschool is going to be hard.

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