Chapter 17: Stealing (Part 3)

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It was hard for Shania to concentrate during her Physics tuition. Her palms were sore and she was barely able to hold a pen. Her tutor noticed this but did not probe. 

Shania went to her room as soon as her tuition was over. She crawled under her bed and curled up and cried herself to sleep.

Tina went into Shania's room to get her to eat lunch. She looked around and found her sleeping under the bed. She then knocked on Chris's study.

"Yes, Tina?" Asked Chris.
"You should check on your sister," Tina said sighing.
"What's wrong?" Chris worriedly asked.
"She's asleep. Under her bed," replied Tina.

They both know that Shania hides under the bed whenever she's afraid or sad, or most times to throw a tantrum or get what she wants. Like going on strike. Once she's under the bed, she would not come out even when bribed. Once, she hid under her bed for 2 days without eating or drinking. Her parents had to get people to physically lift the bed up before the can pull her out of that space. She did this when she was younger but hasn't done this in a while.

"Let's just let her sleep for a while. She's probably exhausted," suggested Chris.
"Whatever you say. Just know that she hasn't eaten anything since dinner last night," Tina shrugged as she walked out of his study.

As Chris dove back into his work, he couldn't help but worry about his sister.
"Was I too harsh on her? But if she can brazenly steal $100 today, she could do the same next time. I need to teach her that trust is earned and stealing has consequences," Chris thought to himself. He looked at the time and it's 4 pm. That means that Shania hasn't consumed anything in more than 20 hours. He tried to continue working on his computer.

After 2 hours, Tina came knocking on Chris's study.
"Chris, dinner is ready whenever you are," Tina said as she peeked into the study.
"Have you tried calling Naya out?" Asked Chris. 

*Knock Knock*
"Naya, come on out, it's time for dinner," Tina said as she squatted on the ground to look under the bed where Shania was.
"I'm not eating," replied Shania as she pulled her knees into her chest.
"Do you want me to call your brother?" Asked Tina.
"I don't want to see him," Shania replied as tears well up in her eyes.
"Well if you're not coming out of there, he's probably coming to get you," Tina reminded Shania.
"Just leave me alone," Shania said as she turns to face the other direction.

Chris was walking towards his room when he saw Tina coming out of Shania's room. Tina just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, and walked towards the kitchen. Chris sighed.

"Naya, dinner. Right now." Chris told Shania sternly as he enters her room.
"I'm not hungry," replied Shania.
"I did not ask you if you were, I'm telling you to get outside for dinner. Right now," Chris replied slightly angry.
"And I'm telling you that I'm not going to eat," Shania replied with her voice trembling.
"Don't make me pull you out of there," Chris sternly told Shania.
"Can you please just leave me alone tonight? I really don't want to eat and I don't want to do anything!" Shania cried.
Chris walked out of her room without saying anything.

Chris ended up eating on his own as Shania refused to come out. He asked Tina to make a grilled cheese sandwich and told her to bring it to Shania's room.
"Don't tell her that I told you to do this," Chris asked Tina to keep it a secret.

"Naya, I made your favorite grilled cheese. Eat them," Tina said as she crouched down to look under the bed and placing the plate on the floor. Shania did not reply.
"I'm leaving it here, just eat it anytime you want," Tina said as she stood back up and walk out of the room.

On Sunday, the next day, Chris came home from the gym and he went into Shania's room to check on her. She was still under the bed with her grilled cheese uneaten. Chris was starting to get annoyed as Shania was clearly throwing a tantrum by going on strike. 

"Shania Lauren! How long are you planning to be there for?" Chris asked as he raised his voice.
"I don't know, Chris. Just let me be," replied Shania.
"If I don't see you at the breakfast table by the time I'm out of the shower, you will be sorry!" Warned Chris.

Despite the stern warning, Shania still remained under the bed. 

Chris came out of the shower and went straight into Shania's room. 
"You really want to throw a tantrum? Okay, go ahead. Just do whatever you want, Naya. I give up," Chris said as he left the room and shut the door.

Hearing that Chris has given up on her, Shania felt knots in her stomach. "No, Chris! I'm sorry," as Shania quickly answered and crawled out from under her bed.
She ran to the door and hugged Chris's leg. He just looked at her and shook her off and walked towards the apartment door to leave.

Shania got up and tried to run after Chris. But as she hasn't eaten or drunk anything in more than 36 hours, she felt faint and fell. Chris turned back and saw his sister fall but he simply ignored her and left the apartment.

Chris felt awful but at the same time, he was angry and frustrated with his sister. She was disciplined for stealing yet here she was throwing a tantrum instead of repenting.

He drove around aimlessly until he decided to head to the siblings' favorite brunch spot. While sipping on his coffee, he couldn't help but think about what Shania would order if she was there with him. He picked up his phone and saw that he received 22 missed calls from Tina. He called her back.

*Ring Ring*
"Chris, where are you?" Tina asked almost raising her voice.
"What's wrong?" Chris asked.
"Naya is having a really high fever right now! I found her half-conscious in the corridor just now," Tina yelled.
"Well, that's what happens when you go on a food strike," Chris replied as a matter of factly. 
"Chris!" Tina couldn't believe that Chris was apathetic.
"Just leave her be. She got this coming," replied Chris.
"I won't be home for lunch," Chris continued before hanging up.

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