Chapter 15: Stealing (Part 1)

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"Can I go out with Bethany after school tomorrow?" Shania asked her brother.
"Yea sure, it's Friday after all," answered Chris as he scooped a mouthful of mashed potato and eat it.
"Then can I get some spending money, please?" Shania asked again.
Chris stood up and walked to his study. He came out with $10 and passed it to Shania.
"What? Just $10? It's not even enough for a movie ticket!" Whined Shania.
"You can give it back to me if you don't want it," replied Chris as he continued eating his meal.
Shania pouted and just stared at the $10 bill on the table.

"I don't understand why you can't give me more money! It's not like we're poor, in fact, quite the opposite!" Shania began raising her voice as she felt it was unfair.

Shania was not wrong. Chris is the founder and CEO of a very successful startup while Papa Lee is the 2nd generation chairman of a group of companies that includes property development and a supermarket chain in Indonesia, amongst others.

"Yes, we are rich. But you are not," by now, Chris has stopped eating and he's firmly replying to his sister's debate.

Shania got up from her seat and stormed to her room.

The Next Day

After school, Shania went to watch a movie and ate açai bowl with her best friend, Bethany. Chris picked the girls up from the mall when they were done.

"Thank you for the ride, Chris! And Naya, thanks for the açai and movie treat today!" Bethany thanked the siblings before alighting the car.

"You treated her to a movie?" Asked Chris.
"Yea," Shania replied nonchalantly while scrolling through instagram on her phone.
"With what money?" Chris probed.
"Papa gave me some money before he left."
Chris was sceptical but he decided to let it go.

The siblings arrived home to Tina's cooking. After they've eaten, Shania went to her room to shower and Tina approached Chris.

"Chris, I went to get some groceries earlier and had to use my money because you've forgotten to leave money on the counter before you went to work this morning," Tina told Chris.
"That can't be true, I left a $100 bill on the counter before I went to bed last night," Chris recalled.
"Maybe it flew off the counter, I'll check," Tina replied.

Chris was confused as he clearly remembers placing the money on the counter but at the same time, he's unsure if his memory was from the previous day or from last night. He went to his study and checked the CCTV recording. 

Chris has placed a couple of hidden CCTV in the public places of his apartment that Shania isn't aware of. He's done so not to keep surveillance of Tina and Shania, but because his company has encouraged him to up his personal security as he's a high worth individual.

He found the footage of him putting the $100 bill on the counter and proceeded to fast forward. Not long after, he saw the footage of Shania coming out to grab a drink in the middle of the night and seeing the bill on the counter. She proceeded to take the money and went back to her room.

Chris's blood began to boil. He was furious that Shania stole. 

He went to the living room and shouted "Shania Lauren! Get your ass out here now!".

Shania walked out to the living room and saw her brother's grim face.

"Answer truthfully. Where did you get the money to treat your friend?" Chris asked Shania sternly.
"I ..I ..I've told you that was from Papa," Shania stuttered.
"Final chance. Tell me the truth. Where did you get the money from?" Chris asked Shania again.
Not realizing that Chris had CCTV footage and that she was cornered, Shania replied again, "Papa gave me money before he left!"

Chris took his phone and called Papa Lee. Staring back at his sister the entire time.

*Ring Ring*
"Hello Chris!" Papa Lee answered.
"Hi Pa," Chris replied.
"What is it, son?" 
"I just wanted to clarify something. Did you give Naya money before you left?"
"Hmm, I don't remember. I doubt so."
"Okay Pa."
"What's wrong?"
"I'll update you. Thank you Pa, love you. Send my love to Mama."

Knowing that she has screwed up, Shania started crying and feeling remorseful.
Chris was seething in anger that he didn't say anything but to stare his sister down. 

Shania could feel his stare burning through her. She fell to her knees and started rubbing her palms together to beg for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry I lied. I ...I took the money from the counter last night. I'm sorry."
"I'm too angry to deal with you right now. I want you to go to your room and do whatever homework you have and go to bed," Chris told his sister as he walked away from the living room to head to his study. He didn't want to punish Shania when he's furious.

Shania was sad that her brother did not accept her apology and walked away from her. She did what she was instructed to do and had a hard time falling asleep as her fear of what's to happen the next day kept her awake.

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