Chapter 7: Dad's Visit (Part 1)

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Shania's School

"Papa!!!  You're here! I missed you!" Shouted Shania while running to her dad's embrace. She didn't know that her father was coming to Singapore, so seeing him at the school pick up point with Chris surprised her.

Papa Lee, who is Chris's and Shania's father, made a trip down to Singapore from Jakarta to attend Shania's Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM). Despite giving Chris full authority over Shania, Papa and Mama Lee still try to be present for Shania. Also, Shania's homeroom teacher dropped an email to her parents noting down her concerns.

Throughout the car ride, Shania had so many questions but she had to keep them all to herself as her father was occupied with a business call as soon as they boarded the car. 

When they arrived at the family's favorite chicken rice restaurant, Chris signaled Papa and Shania to alight while he went to get parking. Papa Lee took Shania's hand and walked into the restaurant with her.

In the restaurant

Chris joined them soon after and ordered for everyone. When the food arrived, Papa Lee finally ended his phone conversation.

"Do you know why was I at your school earlier?"
Shania shook her head.
"I had a meeting with your homeroom teacher and your math teacher," said Papa Lee.

Shania put down her cutleries and clasped her hands under the table. She stared at her hands as she was unable to make eye contact with neither her father nor her brother. Shania knows that her teachers had nothing good to say about her as she wasn't doing well in class and she was also full of mischief. 

"We're not going to discuss that right now, so eat up!" Papa Lee said firmly which made Shania continue eating. The rest of the lunch went on with Chris and Papa Lee discussing work and politics while Shania just stayed quiet.


"Quickly get showered and come outside when you're done," Chris told Shania as soon as they entered the apartment.

Shania did as she was told, she took a quick shower and came out to the living room where Papa Lee and Chris were. 

"I've been looking at your school transcripts and your Mama and I are very disappointed," Papa Lee started.
"We're sorry that we didn't realize that you were struggling with school," continued Papa Lee.
"Your brother and I have been discussing, and we've decided to get you tutors and put you through a strict schedule." Papa Lee spoke as Shania sat on the couch just processing her sentencing while staring down at her hands.
"That means that instead of being able to hang out with friends after school and having a curfew, you'll be picked up as soon as school is over," explained Papa Lee.
"Every day?" Asked Shania, looking up for the first time.
"Yes, every day." Replied Papa Lee.
"But that's not fair!" Argued Shania.
"What's not fair is that you only have one job as a student - to study - but you're not able to deliver!" Chris butted in.

"So you'll be focusing on different subjects on different days, including weekends," Papa Lee continued.
"And if you do a great job with your tutelage and assignments over the week, I will reward you on Sundays. We can go out for a movie or do whatever you want," Chris added.
"That also means that if you don't fulfill your tasks and assignments, you will be punished," Papa Lee reminded.

"Also, I want you to give me your cellphone. You won't have phone privileges this month, I might give it back to you if you perform well this month," said Papa Lee.
"What if I need to text Chris about my dismissal time?" Shania tried to give an excuse.
"Nice try, you can tell your teacher to text or call me. Also, there are payphones in school," replied Chris.
"How am I going to talk to my friends?" Shania shouted, now feeling exasperated. 
"Naya, don't raise your voice." Chris stared at Shania.
"Why don't you just homeschool me?!" Shania continued shouting.
"I've warned you." Chris still staring.
"You're not letting me hang out with my friends and you're taking away my phone!" Shania stood up and continued shouting.
"Naya!" Chris shouted at his sister.
"I hate you!" Shania ignored her angry brother and stormed to her room.
"Come back here Naya!" Shouted Chris.
Shania slams her door.

"Shania Lauren Lee! Open the door. Right now." As Chris tried prying his sister's locked room door open.
"Go away! I hate you!" Shouted Shania from the other side of the door.
"You better open this door before Papa comes here," warned Chris.
"Get the room key," Papa Lee instructed Chris which made Chris walk toward his study to get it.

Papa Lee has this calmness when he is in discipline mode. He doesn't yell nor raises his voice but he speaks in a firm tone that carries a lot of weight and warning. 

"Naya, I'm going to give you 3 seconds," Papa Lee said.
"One," he counted.
"Two," he continued.
Shania knows to not let him finish counting, she opened the door and Papa Lee could see that she's been crying.
"Good job for not waiting till 3, bend over at your bed," instructed Papa Lee.
"No, please don't, I'm sorry!" Begged Shania.
"One," Papa Lee counted.
Shania threw herself on the floor and hugged Papa Lee's leg as she cried.
"Nope, not going to work, bend over at your bed. Two," Papa Lee told her although he almost melted.
Giving up, Shania got up and bent over at her bed. 

Papa Lee took out his belt from his pants and folded it.
"One for every year of your age," Papa Lee said.

*Whip!* "Ow! Papa please.."
*Whip!* Shania reached to her bottom but
*Whip!* Papa Lee whipped her hand. "Don't move, that wasn't counted."

"No ..please stop," sobbed Shania.
*Whip!* "Papa, I'm sorry!" 

Toward the end, Shania gave up begging and she could do was sob and whimper in pain.


When Papa Lee was done, he sat on Shania's bed and got her to stand on her feet by pulling her ears. Facing her, he wiped her tears away with his palms and then squeezed her cheeks tightly, "I don't ever want to hear you talking back to anyone ever again. You're no longer a little child, stop throwing tantrums like that.".
Shania nodded.

"Chris!" Papa Lee called out and Chris came into Shania's room.
"Help me unscrew Shania's door out, after slamming and shutting her door off like that, she doesn't deserve a door to her room," Papa Lee said to which surprised both Chris and Shania.
"Are you sure?" Asked Chris.
"Yes. And she's only getting her door back when I say so," replied Papa Lee.

"Give me your phone now," instructed Papa Lee.
Shania promptly handed her phone to her father as she didn't want to receive an additional spanking from her father.

"Now go stand in that corner and face the wall," Papa Lee pointed to a corner in the living room.

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