Chapter 31: In the Office

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After an hour of doing her schoolwork that Colin listed and passed to Chris, Shania was starting to get bored and fidgety. 

Shania enjoys going to the office with Chris as there's a game room with the latest video games, a pantry with all types of snacks and his staff would also entertain her with the nerf guns. 

She decided to go out to the pantry to grab a snack but she saw that the gameroom was not the same as the last time she came. Peeking inside, she noticed that they've updated the room with beanbags and a larger flat screen tv. She looked around and saw that most of the staff were in the meeting with Chris, so she entered the gameroom and got comfortable on one of the beanbags.

Knowing that she should be completing her school work but highly tempted by the Nintendo Switch, she turned the console on and started playing MarioKart. "I haven't played this in forever! I didn't even know they've released new maps!" Shania thought to herself.

What she didn't know was the fact that Chris's meeting with the team was supposed to be a short huddle and that he was going back to his personal office to check on Shania. 

When Chris didn't see Shania in her seat, he thought that she was in the attached powder room in his office so he just sat on his desk to check his emails. After sometime, he decided to check on his sister in the toilet so he knocked but there was no response and he opened the door to an empty toilet. Trying to calm himself down, he figured maybe she's getting a snack at the pantry and got carried away talking to the staff in the office - everyone in the office loves her and enjoyed entertaining her.

He walked out to the pantry but all he saw was a few of his staff chatting over some coffee and donuts.

"Hey Bossman, do you want a cup of coffee?" Someone from the pantry asked.
"I'm good, you guys enjoy. Did anyone see Shania?" Chris answered.
"Have you checked the gameroom? Isn't that her usual hangout when she's here?" Samantha, his secretary replied.

Chris smiled and nodded to the team and walked towards the gameroom. He slowly opened the door and saw that his sister was grinning so happily as she played MarioKart not noticing that he's watching her. 

Chris cleared his throat and Shania quickly lost her grin. She jumped out of the beanbag and did not dare to make eye contact with her brother.

"Pretty sure what you're doing isn't part of your schoolwork," Chris furrowed his brows and kept his glare on Shania as he walked to grab the tv remote and turned it off.
"I ..I ..I was taking a break," Shania stuttered.

"So if we go back to my office and I check your work, everything is done?" Chris asked.

"No.." Shania whispered.

"I can't hear you. So you're done with all your schoolwork?" Chris asked again.

"No ..but," Shania spoke up.

"Did you know that MarioKart released new maps? We can race each other!" Shania continued, trying to change the subject.

"NAYA!" Chris raised his voice causing Shania to jump a little.
"I have to attend another meeting right now. Go back to my office," Chris walked towards the door and opened it and waited for her to exit.

Shania walked out with tears in her eyes and headed to Chris's office with Chris following right behind her.

Upon reaching his office, he shut the door and switched the magic glass to privacy mode so that his staff wouldn't be able to look in. He grabbed Shania's arm and smacked her butt with his free hand for about a minute. Shania cried and tried to pull herself away but her brother was definitely stronger than her. 

"This is just your warning spank," Chris told his sister.
"I told you I was taking a break! I think you're overreacting," Shania argued.
"Are you seriously arguing with me right now?" Chris asked.
"I want to go home," Shania stepped back and crossed her arms with tears in her eyes.
"You chose to come to work with me, you're staying till I'm done for the day," Chris pointed out.
"But coming to work with you usually means fun! You're making me hate this office!" Shania cried.
"I said we'll connect at 3pm, did you forget that?" Chris reminded Shania.
"You didn't tell me what you meant by "connect", I thought you were going to punish me for yesterday," Shania used her fingers to sign the air quotes and wiped her tears with her sweater sleeves.
"I'm sorry I made it seem like that. I shouldn't have used the word "connect", I should've said "hang out" instead," Chris changed his demeanour when he realized that he's made his sister anxious the whole morning.

His intercom rang and Samantha's voice came on speaker, "Chris, Julius is waiting for you in meeting room 1". 

"I'll be right back after I speak to Julius. I want you to continue with your school work before we go for lunch," Chris sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Shania ran towards her brother and gave him a big hug.

"I'm so sorryyy! I'm sorry I said I hate you. I'm sorry I don't listen to you. I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry," Shania cried into Chris's chest. Chris hugged her tighter and rubbed her back as she continued soaking his shirt with her tears and snot.

Chris waited till Shania was done crying before releasing her and holding her in arm's length. Looking at his sister whose breath was hitched, he wiped her face with the handkerchief he had in his pocket.

"Sweetie, I can never stay mad at you. I was disappointed but I know you said what you said out of anger and frustration. We will hang out after we both complete our work for the day. I'll see you after my meeting with Julius, okay?" Chris consoled his sister.

Shania nodded as she reached out for another hug.

Chris then waddled as he hugged his sister to the meeting table to sit her down - causing Shania to giggle and in turn made Chris giggle too.

"I'll see you in a bit," Chris kissed and patted Shania's head.

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