Chapter 16: Stealing (Part 2)

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Shania woke up and memories of the previous night made her feel nauseous. She has no idea what is going to happen. Not wanting to add to Chris's anger, she quickly took a quick shower and made her bed.

"Get outside now," Chris ordered as he opened her room door.

Shania quickly did as she was told.

On the coffee table in the living room, she noticed that there was a thick cane and a leather belt. Her stomach fell. Papa Lee and Chris had always used the thick cane as a threat, but she has never seen it. Now that it was laying on the table, Shania couldn't help but cry.

"I'm sorry! Please don't use the thick cane on me!" Begged Shania as she sobbed.

Chris ignored her and picked up the leather belt and folded it.

"Tell me why you're being punished," Chris asked. His voice is cold.
"No ..please I'm sorry. I will return the money I took," Shania sobbed as she grabbed Chris's arm.
Chris pushed her hands away and stared at her.
"Tell me why you're being punished," he asked again.
"Because I stole your money and because I lied to you," Shania falling limp on the floor as she continued sobbing.

"Stand up," ordered Chris.
"Please don't," begged Shania.
"I said stand up!" Chris shouted as he bent down and pulled Shania's ear to stand her up.
Shania pulled away and crawled away from her brother. Chris stared at her and pointed to the ground infront of him.
"No! I don't want to!" Shouted Shania.

"One," Chris counted. It's never a good thing when Chris or Papa Lee started counting. It means that if they reach three, Shania would likely get more punishment.
"Two," he continued.

Shania inched forward not wanting to receive more wrath than she has already earned.

"Palm," Chris pointed to Shania's left hand.
Shania raised it infront of her so that her palm was facing up and parallel to the ground.


"Other palm."


"No more, please!" Begged Shania.
"Other palm."


"I'm sorry!"
"Other palm."


"Other palm."


"I don't want to keep repeating, I want you to keep raising your other palm immediately."










Shania was sobbing and her palms were burning. Chris lifted her palms and examined them. They were red and tender. 

"Go to the corner and face the wall," Chris pointed to a corner in the living room.

After 30 minutes, Shania had stopped sobbing and was left with sniffles.

"Naya, come here," Chris called out to Shania. Sounding less cold than earlier.

"Bend over and rest your elbows on the coffee table," ordered Chris.

"You've already put your point across! I will not steal ever again! Please, I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry," Shania sobbed to her brother.
"Bend over and rest your elbows on the coffee table," repeated Chris.
Knowing that this is a battle that she will definitely not win, she did as she was told.


"Owww!!!" Shania jumped as she felt the sting of the cane. She braced herself for the next stroke but it never came.

"Stand up, you're done," Chris said.

Shania was baffled that Chris was done after just one stroke to her bottom, but she didn't want to contest it as she was glad that it's over.

"I'm really disappointed in you right now, Naya." Chris looked at her with sad eyes.
"I really hate to say this, but I've lost all my trust in you," Chris continued.
"No, please don't say that. I'm really sorry," Shania knelt and tugged his sweats.
"This is what happens when you lie and steal, that is why I'm punishing you this harsh," Chris replied.
"I'm really sorry, please take it back," begged Shania.
"We'll talk about this later. Now go to your room and prepare for your tuition," Chris told his sister as he walked away from the living room.
"Can we please cancel my classes today? I don't think I can absorb anything," Shania asked.
"You have one hour to get ready," replied Chris as he shut his study's door, refusing Shania's request.

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