Part 2

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'It's black. Where am I?'

"Is she dead?"

'Who's that?'

"Idiot! She's clearly breathing right now."

'Ahh, so I was saved.'

Her eyes fluttered trying to be opened. She blinked her eyes a few times to adjust the light that enter her cornea. Once her eyes fully opened, she saw two kids' faces who were staring at her intently.

"She's awake!"


Zoella flinched when her ears caught the sudden screaming voice. She groaned as the pain slowly came to her. She tried to get up from the bed before a man's voice interrupted her.

"You should stay in bed. No need to force yourself."

She looked in the man's direction. Zoella was slightly amazed by this man's face. He has a really beautiful face with grey hair and ruby eyes.

'Wait. Red?'

Zoella blinked her eyes and stared at him again. She couldn't believe what she saw right now. How could a person have red eyes like a vampire in movies?

The man was confused as Zoella kept staring at her like she was seeing something strange. No, it was actually really strange for her. The only eye colors she knew were black, blue, green, amber, and brown like herself.

"Ahh, I get it. I know I'm handsome. I can't blame you if you fall for this charm of mine."

Zoella's expression turned odd.

'He's not normal.'

"Anyway, is your body alright? I already treat your external injuries but I don't know if you also have internal injuries so I bring a potion just in case. Here."

"Thank you, sir."

Zoella reached out to the man and took the weird-looking bottle. It was her first time seeing this kind of bottle. Zoella shook her head lightly, she chose to ignore it. She opened the bottle and then gulped the liquid in it.

Her eyes wide opened as the liquid touched her tongue. She almost gush it out because the taste was really terrible. Even worse than the medicine that she took when she got a fever.

She hurriedly gulped all the liquid in the bottle. Her face turned pale and her expression showed that she had just taken something horrible.

"It might taste bad but I assure you that it was the highest-grade potion to treat your internal and external injuries."

The man said calmly as he took the bottle back. Zoella felt weird. This man kept saying potion instead of medicine. Not to mention the weird-looking bottle earlier.

"Uhm, sir..."

"You can call me Hayes."

"Yes, Sir Hayes. Can you tell me where this is?"

"You're in my house. I found you drowned in the lake when I was taking a stroll in the forest."


"Yes. Luckily I was fast enough to save you."

"Thank you."

Hayes smiled and nodded. As for Zoella, she was puzzled by the fact that this man said 'forest'. Her last memory was she jumped into the lake under the bridge. And there was no forest near the lake.


Zoella's face reddened with embarrassment while Hayes tried to suppress his laughter. She covered her face with her hands.

"I will get something for you to eat."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't mind it. Ah, I left some clothes for you in case you want to change."

Zoella nodded her head with her hand still covering her face. When she heard the door was closed, she removed her hand and started to scream internally.

Once she calmed down, her eyes caught some clothes on the bedside. She took the clothes and went to the bathroom.

'Might as well take a bath. Anyway, that medicine was really the best. I no longer feel the pain.'

Zoella could move her body freely now. There were also no scratches, wounds, or bruises left. Although the taste was unbearable, at least her body recovered completely now.

She started to wear the clothes when she was done with her bath. As she thought, the clothes were also weird. It was medieval-like clothes. When she observed the clothes, her eyes caught her waist-length hair.

Her eyes widened. She took her hair and looked at it closely.

"No way."

Zoella looked around and found a mirror. She walked toward the mirror hoping what she was seeing just now was wrong.


It was definitely her face. But her eyes and hair colors were different. Her original colors were caramel brown both her hair and eyes.

Now, her hair was silver bluish color and her eyes were violet.

"Am I...? No. It can't be."

Zoella rushed out of the room and tried to find Hayes. She bumped into him when she was about to enter the kitchen.

"Sir Hayes, can you tell me the name of this region?"

"We're in the southeast region of the Vadian Empire. Freymor City."

Zoella's expression turned blank. Suddenly, something hit her mind.

'Careful! Unless you want to get karma.'

'Is this what I get because I talk badly about that book?'

To think she really got karma like this really never crossed her mind. Hayes looked at Zoella with confusion in his eyes.

"The food's ready. You should eat before they get cold."

Zoella shook her head lightly before following Hayes to the dining room. She locked eyes with two kids who were already sitting on their chairs calmly. She could guess they were the ones she saw when she opened her eyes earlier.

"Are you okay now, Sister?"

"You can eat in your room if your body still hurts. We can bring your food for you."

Zoella smiled in response to their concern. Right now, those two boys looked like puppies to her.

"I'm okay now. Thank you for taking care of me."

Their eyes shined brightly as they nodded their head. Zoella sat on the chair beside them. She was about to pick a spoon when she heard Hayes talk.

"Come to think of it, we don't know your name yet."

"Ah, pardon me. My name is Zoella Rae."

"As you know, my name is Hayes. Hayes Castor. And those kids are Rowan and Rigel. My nephews."

They started to eat in peace once the introduction was done. At least that is what it looked like. Zoella's mind was currently in chaos. She didn't know how she ended up here. She didn't know why her hair and eyes were in different colors.

"Zoella, do you remember how you ended up drowning?"

She flinched slightly at the sudden question.

"I don't really remember. But I do remember some people beat me up."

Zoella nervously answers the question. She wished that Hayes wouldn't ask any more questions if she said she didn't remember.

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't have parents. I live my whole life in an orphanage."

It was the truth. Even though she didn't know if this body was someone else's or her own, since she only remember the life she had in Clarcton, she will go with that.

"How about you become my student?"

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