Part 23

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A bucket of water fell over the bathroom.

No sound could be heard after that. Blaire and her friends flee right after they threw the water. They were sure that Zoella would be damped by now.

Or so they thought.

"Seriously, did they really think this kind of prank would work?"

Currently, Zoella uses her mana to block the water so that it didn't hit her. Fortunately, Zoella was fast enough to block it. She was completely dry.

Zoella held the bathroom door and unlocked it with her mana.

Once she stepped outside the restroom, Zoella could no longer see other students.

'Well, I can't say that their plan is completely failed.'

She was late for the first class. And to make it worse, her first class was Astrid's. Zoella was sure that she couldn't avoid her punishment.


A familiar man's voice reached Zoella's ears. She turned her head and saw Edwin Owens who was looking puzzled at her.

"What are you doing here, child? Shouldn't you be in your class now?"

Zoella smiled nervously as she scratched her not-itchy back head.

"Well, I have kinda locked myself up in the bathroom?"

Edwin stared at Zoella as if telling her that he didn't believe her words. Zoella averted her gaze hoping that he won't ask her any more questions.

She could tell Edwin about what happened just now and he would believe her. But Zoella decided to deal with it on her own.

"Alright, if you say so. Then, let me escort you. At least you can use me as your excuse for your tardiness, no?"

Zoella gladly nodded her head. She was relieved that with this Astrid won't have any reason to punish her.

Her walk to the classroom with Edwin was silent. However, Zoella didn't feel awkward. On the contrary, she felt comfortable.

Knock knock~

Edwin knocked on the class's door to catch Astrid's attention.

"Sir Owens, may I help you?"

"It's fine. I just escort this child because I held her too long in my office."

Zoella was a bit surprised to see Edwin lied smoothly. She never thought that Edwin could even lie.

"Ah, I see. Miss Rae, you can sit now."

Zoella nodded before she walked to her desk. Just when she was about to sit, her eyes unintentionally met Blaire's. She could see Blaire's expression clearly.

That girl's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Zoella unconsciously smirked at her expression. She felt really satisfied and refreshed.

"Mrs. Morbath, there is no discrimination among the students, right?"

"Of course, there is none, Sir."

Astrid answered with her trembling voice. She didn't expect the Principal to suddenly show up in her class.

"That's good to hear. I intended to give a severe punishment for those who break our rules."

For others, Edwin's words sounded like a wise Principal. However, for the nobles, especially Blaire and her friends, his words sounded like a threat.

'Mess with her again and I'll deal with you.'

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