Part 32

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"Have you heard?"

"Zoella and her friends were kidnapped?"

"They said the culprit was one of her classmates."

"Oh my, what kind of terrible person did that?"

Rumors about the kidnapping accident circled around the Academy. The one who spread it is none other than Zoella herself.

Yesterday, Zoella and her friends came back to their dorm with bandages all over their bodies. They didn't try to sneak around to avoid people's eyes.

On the contrary, they openly told the story to everyone who asked them about it.

And so, it didn't take long until the rumors were finally spread.

'Did those bastards confess? Darn it!'

Elenia Moore walked around the Academy feeling anxious. She didn't expect that things would turn out this way.

She thought the thugs she hired would be able to get away and keep their mouths shut.

Even though the rumors never said anything about her name, she was still unsure if Zoella really didn't know about it.

And her feelings were correct.

Zoella deliberately didn't say anything about the culprit's name nor did her friends. This way, she could observe Elenia's behavior to make sure the thugs were saying the truth.

Zoella had been tailing Elenia since this morning. She could see that Elenia became anxious and didn't talk much today.


Elenia flinched when she heard her name shouted from afar. It was Blaire Edel.

She gave a sign to Elenia to follow her. Zoella had a satisfied smile on her face now that she will have solid evidence.

Elenia and Blaire went to the backyard where their other friends have gathered.

'Just like a dirty sect.'

Zoella hid behind the tree not too near to them. But it was near enough to hear their conversation.

"What in the world happened, Elenia?"

Blaire asked once she made sure no one but them in this area.

"How did this happen?"

"You said the people you hired are reliable."

"What do we do now?"

"If the teachers know about this..."

"Calm down everyone."

Zoella smirked at their reaction. It was really worth it to make your enemy feel safe but also shaken at the same time.

Looking at the panicked expression on their face made Zoella's heart fill with joy. How she wished she could record it and show it to her friends.

"Look, Zoella hasn't said anything about the culprit's name. Maybe she still didn't know about us."

"Even so, Zoella is so cunning. Just like a snake."

'A snake?! Then what are you? The snake's shit?'

Zoella was slightly offended by their remarks.

"In any case, we need to stay low until the rumors subsided."

"Yes, let's just hope Zoella won't cause us any trouble."

Those poor girls didn't know that Zoella already had a perfect plan for them.

The rest of the day went by with the rumors still filling the Academy. Even the teachers took an interest in it.

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