Part 60

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In a room as dark as the night, a man sat on his throne. He rest his head on his left hand and his right hand tapped the armrest.

His movement stopped when he felt some people approaching the room.

A group of black robe people entered. The man looked at them with a calm gaze in his eyes. The black robe people kneeled down, greeting their master.


A low-pitched voice filled the room. It was a deep and chilly voice however for these people that man's voice sounded majestic.

"We... failed to go through the barrier, my Lord. It seems they commanded someone to strengthen it."


The smell of blood roamed around the room as a body fell to the ground. Even with their head down, they knew that their Lord had killed their comrade. 

"About the life stone?"

"Yes, my Lord. We have secured the position of the life stone and also spread black mana in the forest again. About our comrades, we couldn't find their bodies, and... we lost track of Hayes Castor's whereabouts. Forgive me."

One of the black robe people bowed deeper. His body trembled because he was afraid that his life would end just like his friend's. 

A vicious smirk formed on their master's face. His subordinates were startled when they saw it. They thought their master would be angrier because of this matter.

Not only did Hayes kill their six members, but he also tricked them with his illusion magic. They searched all places but Hayes couldn't be found. It was as if he vanished into thin air.

"It's fine. I expected it anyways. A person like him, how great would it be if he joined us."


"Tell that person to do whatever he can to get Hayes Castor. As well as his disciple, I want them both."

"Yes, my Lord."


A shiver ran through Zoella's body. The air was warm and yet she felt a little cold in her study room.

'What was that?'

"Lady Leighton, watch your posture! Straightened your back, keep your head high, don't be so stiff, and relax your body."

Zoella jolted out of her mind. Right now, she was in the middle of etiquette class. Not long after they decided to stay in Leighton Manor, Hayes asked Elijah to provide Zoella with some classes.

And of course, Zoella had no say in this. More like, she didn't have a reason to reject it. Even though Elijah said it was okay if Zoella didn't want to, instead of feeling relieved she was hit by a guilty conscience.

Now that she bears Leighton's name, Zoella wanted to act like a proper noble.

"Now, slowly bow down and greet the person in front of you."

Following her teacher's words, Zoella lift the hem of her dress slightly as she bowed.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Zoella Leighton, daughter of Count Leighton."

"Wonderful. You're a fast learner, my Lady. It would be no problem even if you debut now."

"It's all thanks to your teaching, Madam Stefield."

Her teacher, Madam Stefield had a satisfied smile on her face. During her years as an etiquette teacher, Zoella was the easiest one to teach.

Considering that Zoella lived as a commoner for 13 years, she thought Zoella would need a while to adapt. However, it's only been a few days but Zoella had completely adjusted herself to this class.

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