Part 70

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Hayes looked at Zoella with doubt in his eyes. It was a given since it was obvious that Zoella was hiding something from him.

"Anyways, your family is getting worried over there. Just what did you do to take so long?"

"Uhm, catching my breath?"

Zoella put on a smile on her face.

"I'll pretend I believe that. Let's go back."

Zoella tailed her teacher without saying any words. Not even a minute Zoella back to the hall but she felt tired again. She wanted to spend the rest of the evening in the garden.

Now Zoella understood why her brother chose to run away on his debutante.

"Sir Hayes Castor."

An unfamiliar voice stopped Hayes's feet. Zoella could see her teacher taking a deep breath before he looked toward the voice's owner.

"Prime Minister, what a surprise to see you here."

Despite the smile on his face, anyone could clearly tell that Hayes's eyes looked at Ephraim Luther with hostility.

"I can say the same to you. So, this is the rumored disciple."

Hayes's left eyebrow twitched the moment Ephraim took an interest in Zoella. He finally could tell what his intention is.

"Greetings, Lady Leighton. My name is Ephraim Luther, the Prime Minister of Magic."

"I am Zoella Leighton, Sir Castor's disciple and the daughter of Count Leighton."

Ephraim was a bit surprised by the way Zoella introduce herself.

Normally, nobles would state their family name first. But Zoella stated that she was Hayes's disciple first thing. She also only lowered her head and not in the usual noble's greeting form.

That only means she talked to Ephraim as Hayes's disciple, not as a noble's daughter. She wanted to be equal with him as a mage without any title.

"I see. You took after your teacher so much that I'm quite surprised."

Zoella's gaze, even though not as hostile as Hayes, looked at Ephraim sharply. Seeing how her teacher put his guard when he talked to Ephraim, Zoella could vaguely guess this is what Hayes means a few days ago.

"I'm his disciple after all."

'Don't waste our time and say what you want to say, is what she means.'

Ephraim looked around to make sure a lot of people were able to hear him.

"To be a disciple of Hayes Castor, you must be quite talented."

"Thank you. I get that a lot."

Zoella looked straight into Ephraim's eyes as she talked. Seeing her like this really reminded Ephraim of the first time he met Hayes. He didn't really mean it when he said Zoella took after Hayes but now he knew that his words were true.

A tiny smile appeared on his face.

"Right. To have such another talented person in the empire, it'd be a waste if I wait any longer."

Zoella furrowed her brows, not understanding Ephraim's words.

"Lady Leighton, would you like to join the Ministry of Magic once you graduate?"

'I knew it. That old geezer.'

Hayes clenched his jaw as he heard Ephraim offer to Zoella.

"Is she that talented?"

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