Part 86

492 19 3

'Zoe, evacuate everyone from there. A lot of monsters will come from all directions from this forest. When I say a lot, it's probably more than you can imagine. Don't force yourself.'

As soon as she received the information from her teacher, Zoella, followed by Tyrael and her friends, went straight to look for Noah. She didn't want to repeat the same message again and again so she figured she would say it when everyone was around.

As for her friends, they were panicking when they saw Zoella's calm face turn serious and nervous all of a sudden. So they unconsciously followed her to look for her Brother.


Zoella shouted the moment her eyes caught Noah's figure. She ran to him who was receiving a report from his Knights.

"What happened, Zoe? Why are you running?"

Noah asked softly trying to calm his sister down.

"I got a message from teacher. He said monsters will come from all over directions from the forest. We need to evacuate everyone."

Noah's face turned stiff after he heard it. Not long before Zoella arrived, he got a report saying Hayes Castor wanted the Knights to come to the forest.

'So this is the reason.'

"Thank you, Zoe. You take your friends to a safe place and I will take care of the rest, got it?"

As soon as he said that, Noah left and started giving commands to his Knights.

"Monsters? Then, isn't this situation really dangerous?"

One of her friends muttered in a shaky voice. Zoella looked at them who mostly had fear painted all over their faces. She took a deep breath to calm herself and regained her composure.

"Listen up, it'll be a dangerous situation so I'm sure even the Knights will get overwhelmed because they lose in number. So, those who are confident in fighting, raise your hand. I'm not forcing."

Zoella commanded.

Jasper and a few others raised their hands. And that includes Tyrael.

"Okay, good. Here's what we're going to do. Those who didn't raise their hands, please help the Knights to evacuate all these people. You can do it, right?"

Zoella looked at her friends with strong faith in her eyes. Seeing that, her friends who were shaking gained their spirit back and nodded.

"Very well. You can go and..."

Zoella's words halted when she felt the ground shake. She spread her mana as wide as she could and the moment she found out what kind of monsters approached them, she clenched her fist and said.

"The mages who can't wield weapons stay at a good distance and shoot their back with your mana. You must stay together so you can act accordingly. And those who can, fetch a weapon you are familiar with and come back. Now, move!"

Soon after she finished giving them commands, they didn't waste any time and started moving according to her commands.


Zoella groaned as she took out her sword and Tyrael's twin blades from her bag. She couldn't really use her bow now that she needed to be on the front line.

"What kind of thing we're going to face?"

Tyrael asked after he received his beloved twin blades.

"A group of trolls. Lots of them."


Right after she said that the ear-hurting shriek of the trolls could be heard.

"Here they are."

Zoella and Tyrael readied themselves for a fight when their friends returned with swords in their hands.

"Listen, these creatures are very slow but their skin is really tough. You can't hesitate when you strike them with your swords. And if you can, aim for their neck, understand?"


They all answered in unison. And without wasting any time, Zoella led her friends as she jumped and killed the troll in one strike. Besides her, Tyrael also started causing some big wounds on another troll before he finally sliced his throat.

After seeing that, the morale of Jasper and others started to rise up and they threw away the doubt they had.

A troll lifted up his club and started to swing it as hard as he could.

"Look out!"


Luckily, her friends heard her warning and they could avoid the attack. Because of that, they became more aware of the danger that would come.

When she saw one of her friends start to shake, Zoella shouted.

"Remember! Do not hesitate! Give your all to your strike!"

She kept on shouting until she could see them regain their confidence.


From the corner of her eyes, Zoella could see a troll roaring in pain after being inflicted by mana, and shortly after, a swordsman quickly killed him with ease.

'Good. They slowly synchronize with each other.'

After the number of the trolls decreased greatly, Zoella motioned to Tyrael to leave the rest to their friends.

As they fell back, they could see the Knights were fighting some other monsters who looked more dangerous than the trolls. As she predicted, because Noah divided the Knights into two groups, they were outnumbered.

When one of the Knights was about to get killed, Zoella quickly ran into him and stabbed the monster's back with her sword. She pulled out her sword after she was sure the monster was dead.

"What are you doing here? Hurry and evacuate!"

He barked. Instead of answering, Zoella and Tyrael moved their separate way and started their monster hunt.

It was when the sun was about to set that the monster stopped pouring in while the Knights who went to the forest along with Hayes and other nobles came back.

Hayes was about to go to the Prince when the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of Zoella and her friends. As such, he switched his direction to them.

"Zoe, Tyrael. Did you have fun?"

Actually, Hayes only asked that to tease them because it was clear in his eyes that the two of them were trying so hard to conceal their smile.

"I mean, it's been a while."

"It's a good stress reliever."

Hayes let out a small laugh at their responses. He glanced at the people behind them who wore various expressions on their faces. Some are proud, some are happy but mostly exhausted.

"Everything's fine now. You all can go back."

"Yes, Sir Castor!"

Without Hayes asking them to, Zoella and Tyrael stayed in their spot while their friends quickly went back to their families.

Hayes looked at Zoella with pride in his eyes. She probably didn't realize that all the time Hayes could hear her give commands to her friends.

"Did you feel cool?"


Zoella furrowed her brows when she heard another weird thing coming out of Hayes's mouth.

"So, you are."

"What are you even talking about? Teacher!"

Instead of answering, Hayes kept laughing and made Zoella more annoyed. 

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