Part 35

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The wind breeze was getting colder as the birds returned to their nests. The blue sky turned to reddish-orange indicating that the sun was ready to resign and let the moon take its place.

Despite the chilly breeze hitting their skin, the two people felt warm in their hearts as they walked through the forest side by side.

It was only a short time when the two of them sat together on the ground talking about their day. The sun was about to set when they realized it. Not wanting to part ways too soon, Ezekiel offered Zoella to escort her to the dorm.

And here they are, walking in silence as if to savor one another's presence.

Their hands often brushed against each other since they were walking closely. Zoella's hand fidgeted each time she felt his hand. She wanted to grab his hand so badly but she was too shy to do it.


Zoella's heart was pounding loudly with her eyes widened. She looked at Ezekiel who was trying to hide his red cheeks. His hand intertwined with Zoella's and hold it tightly. He could feel that Zoella's hand was cold because of the wind.

"It will be winter soon. Make sure to stay warm, okay?"

He said as he rubbed her hand softly to transfer the heat. Zoella cleared her throat to calm her heart before she responded.

"Okay. Also, it'll be difficult for us to meet in winter. I'm sure teacher won't let me go outside."

"Of course, you can't. It's really cold outside. That's alright, I'll wait."

Ezekiel answered with his reassuring voice. But, Zoella knew that he was disappointed. Her time with Ezekiel made her notice every little thing about him.

Zoella squeezed her hand on him tighter.

"We still have time. But... the holiday will start soon. It's four months."

Ezekiel stopped. He couldn't maintain his calm expression anymore. Hearing that he couldn't meet Zoella for four months must shake him up.

'Crap, maybe I shouldn't have said that. But he also needs to know.'

Zoella bit her lower lip concerned about Ezekiel's reaction. She expected him to be surprised but not this much. Even now he was mumbling uncontrollably.


Zoella's voice brought Ezekiel back to his senses. He thought that this was the longest time he couldn't meet Zoella. It was only for a week but he couldn't stand it. But now Zoella said they couldn't meet for four whole months.

Ezekiel turned to face her as his grip on her hand got tighter.

"Then, let's meet every day from now on."

Zoella raised her brows. She scratched her cheeks while avoiding Ezekiel's eyes.

"Every day is a bit..."

"It'll be difficult, huh?"

Zoella nodded subtly.

In all honesty, Zoella would love to meet Ezekiel every day. However, she couldn't just stop her practice and she also didn't want Ezekiel to neglect his work.

"It's fine. I will wait."

Ezekiel gave Zoella a little smile as if to convince her that he was alright. Zoella smiled back at him while her heart still weighed her down.

"Let's go. Your friends will be worried if we stay outside too long."


The two continued their walk in silence. Zoella didn't like this heavy atmosphere. But she also didn't know how to break it. And so, she chose to say nothing.

The dorm was already in their sight before they realized it. Ezekiel felt reluctant to release her hand. Somehow, it felt like Zoella would vanish again if he did that.


Ezekiel frowned. He glanced at Zoella who was also looking at him with a questioning look. Ezekiel gulped down his saliva. He didn't understand why but he felt the feeling of déjà vu when he was about to let go of her hand.

"I'll head inside. Careful on your way."


Zoella walked to the dorm while Ezekiel still standing there. He wanted to fill his eyes with her figure as much as he can.

Suddenly, Zoella stopped her feet and turned in his direction.

Ezekiel tilted his head as Zoella approached him. He opened his mouth to ask if Zoella needed anything but before he could say anything, soft lips landed on his cheek.

His eyes widened as his heart was beating really loud. So loud that he was afraid Zoella would hear it.

On the other hand, the perpetrator lowered her head trying to hide her rosy cheeks.

"Then, I'll go inside. See you."

She rushed inside the dorm as soon as she finished her sentence while the victim covered his tomato-like face and was still shocked by what happened just now.

'I won't wash this cheek. Ever. You're unfair, Zoella.'


And so, some days passed quietly. In fact, it was too quiet. Zoella wondered if she did something wrong that her friends seemed to disappear.

Since the day before she met Ezekiel, they still hung out together even though it was less time than before. But now they were like completely disappear from this earth.

Even in class, Margaret always went out as soon as the class ended. Lilian always came back really late. And Warren never met her at all. In fact, Warren was busy with his friends that he didn't talk to Zoella, Margaret, or Lilian.

'They were being suspicious. Fine, I'll find out their secret myself!'

Zoella determined as she chewed a piece of bread in her mouth. She thought it would be hard to spy on Warren so she will start tailing Margaret first.

In her class, Zoella observed Margaret thoroughly. Unlike her usual chatty self, Margaret was quiet. No, more like she looked too tired to even talk.

It was the look when Zoella started her training with Hayes. It looked exactly like that. Once the teacher dismissed the class, Zoella waited for Margaret to go out first.

After some time, Zoella got up and stealthily followed her. Looking at Margaret's condition, Zoella was sure that she wouldn't get caught.

And she was right. Margaret didn't aware of her presence even after she met Lilian and Warren. They were gathering in the girl dorm's backyard.

'Just what are they doing here?'

Almost no one went to this place as it was narrow and kind of gloomy. Zoella observed them from afar but still close enough to hear their voices.

"It's safe today too, right?"

Warren broke the silence.

"Yeah. I didn't bump into her today."

"She was looking at me in class but didn't say anything."

"That's great."

A wrinkle formed on Zoella's forehead. She wanted to jump out and confronted them now but it would only make the situation worse.

They were her friends. Zoella didn't want to be suspicious of them. But she couldn't help it. Just when she was able to put her trust in them and yet she felt like they would betray her.

"We can't let Zoe know about this."

"I feel bad but it has to be done."

"Alright, let's do this."

"What are they-"

Zoella couldn't hide her shock when she saw what the three of them were doing. 

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