Part 65

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'Why did I agree to this?'

It's been an hour and yet they still hadn't found the dress for Zoella. As for Zoella, she felt tired already since all she did was change into all the dresses her Brother was interested in.

Zoella threw her tired body to the soft couch beside Noah who seemed immersed in the catalog.

"Brother, could we just pick anything?"

Fatigue could be heard clearly in her trembling voice.

"Of course, we can't. It's for your debutante so everything must be perfect. We also need to find shoes and jewelry to match your dress."

Having heard that, Zoella was appalled. She thought she only needed to choose a dress and nothing else.

"Teacher, you didn't say anything about this."

"Well, I know choosing something for a girl is complicated but I didn't expect it to be this extent."

Based on his debutante experience with Harriet, he knew that it took longer for a girl to get ready. But Hayes didn't know that it was also tiring.

"Be happy that it'll only happen once not every year."

Tyrael chimed in with his hand stroking Eirwen's back softly. Zoella let out a soft groan at his words while her eyes lingered on the catalog in Noah's hand.


Zoella straightened her back as she gripped Noah's hand to stop him from flipping the page. She took away the book from her brother and looked at a certain design that drew her eyes.

"Oh, that's a good design. Madam, can you show us this dress?"

"We would love to however the dress is still in process."

'Oh come on! I don't want to stay here any longer.'

Zoella tugged her brother's clothes as she prepared her puppy eyes.

"I really want this dress, brother."

Noah felt like something broke inside him. His sister's puppy eyes were too much for his heart to bear. Zoella who never ask anything from him all this time was finally want something for the first time.

Noah absolutely couldn't reject her request.

"Madam, how many days will the dress be finished?"

"Yes? Probably in three days."

"Good. Send it immediately to Leighton's residence along with jewelry and shoes for the dress."

The Madam's eyes turned green as soon as she heard that.

"Of course, Young Master. We will finish the dress as fast as we can."

After Noah dealt with the payment, the four of them left the store. Zoella could finally breathe after she stepped outside.

For a whole hour, she felt like all the eyes were on her. They stare so much it could create a hole in her face.

"Ah, right. Zoe, could you wait here for a bit? I need to buy something."

"Sure. Teacher and Tyrael are with me so I'll be fine."

Zoella, Hayes, and Tyrael waited by the carriage. Zoella leaned her back on the carriage and closed her eyes for a moment.

It finally hit her that she would make her debut soon. Although everyone around her said she didn't need to worry, Zoella couldn't do that.

For some reason, even though she didn't really think about it she was still nervous.

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