Part 4

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"Sigh. When is this going to finish?"

In front of her, there are five super thick books given by Hayes. He said she needed to learn about the Empire's history, ancient language, and magic theories. And he wouldn't let her practice before she completed those books.

It's been four days and Zoella still had three books to go. She finished two books on Empire history and memorized them. The history itself left quite an impression on her.

Vadian Empire was originally a Kingdom that was established about 1600 years ago by Frederick Vadian as the first King. And then 100 years later, Vadian Kingdom was involved in a war and managed to take over some regions and became an Empire until now.

There are so many ups and downs during those 1500 years. And an Emperor named Bertram Vadian managed to bring the Empire to its golden era.

Magic developed, the Royal Knights were at their best, the economy and politics were stable, and the citizen lived happily without much problem. However, that golden era didn't last long. His own descendant destroyed everything he built, Tristram Vadian.

It was known as the darkest era in history. It was about 300 years ago. The Emperor was really incompetent. He did whatever he wanted and didn't care about the citizen.

As a result, corruption occurred everywhere, the tax rate increased, and the citizen suffered greatly. The Emperor only cared about himself and his power. There was even treason to overthrow him.

But the Empire managed to suppress the traitor even though they also lost so many people including the Captain of Royal Knight, Elira Leighton. Eventually, the fourth Prince, Geffrey Vadian ascended the throne and fixed all the mess that his father created.

"An Empire built of blood."

That was what Zoella thought. She closed her book and put her head on it. She didn't understand why Hayes made her learn this thing. Not that she objected since it was like reading a fairy tale.

She thought she only needed to learn how to control her mana and nothing else.

Knock knock~

"Sister, may I come in?"

It was Rigel's voice. Zoella got up from her desk and opened the door. She was greeted by the cheerful smile of a child which made her heart warm.

"Uncle said we were going to the market so he was wondering if you want to come as well."

"Well, if you don't mind then I would like to come along."

Come to think of it, she never went outside the house for the past five days. Moreover, she had been busy reading the books.

"Alright! I will tell Uncle that you'll come. Meet us outside once you're done getting ready, sister."

Zoella nodded in response. She didn't really need to prepare so she just tidied up her desk before she left the bedroom.

"Zoe, is there anything you need? Just tell me and I'll buy it."

Hayes asked as he locked the door before they departed. However, Zoella couldn't think of anything she needed. Hayes already gave her all the things she needed.

Clean clothes, shoes, food, books, and stationery.

"You have given me everything I need, Sir Hayes."

"Well, I'll change the question. If there's something you want, just tell me."

"You don't need to worry, sister! Since Uncle has so much money."

Rigel nodded at his brother's remark. Zoella shook her head slightly and smiled at them.

The distance from the house to the market wasn't as far as Zoella thought. They just need to walk for about 30 minutes to arrive.

'The market looks like a traditional one. Yeah, except for that thing.'

She glanced in the fortune-teller's direction. Everything in this market was the same as a traditional market that she learned back in her old world except there was no fortune-teller.

"Beautiful girl, what you believe right now is not entirely the truth."

The fortune-teller voice made Zoella look at her. She was wearing a black robe with her eyes closed and some kind of magic ball in front of her.

"You just need to open your eyes and your heart to accept it."

Zoella was still hesitant if that lady was talking about her or somebody else. But, the other people seemed to pass by without paying any attention to the lady. The only one who stopped was Zoella.


A small hand holds her palm. It was Rigel. Zoella realized that Hayes and Rowan were already far away.

"Sorry, Rigel. Come on."

"Did something happen?"

Hayes asked when Zoella and Rigel caught up with him.

"Nothing, Sir Hayes."

"If you say so. We will buy some food ingredients and then your necessities."

Zoella nodded and walked beside him with the twins holding her hands.

Hayes stopped by some shops to buy some bread, vegetables, fruits, and some meat. At this time, Zoella remembered her past when she used to help the nurse to buy some food.

"Sir Hayes, I've been meaning to ask. Are you a noble?"

Zoella asked once Hayes finished his transaction.

"I'm not. But my cousin is a Viscount."

'That means you ARE a noble.'

Zoella frowned at his answer. Technically he still had noble blood, right?

"You see, I have neither a title nor territory so even though I have noble blood I'm not a noble. The house was given by my grandfather to my family."

Hayes continued his answer as if he read Zoella's mind.

"Uncle! Can we buy that?"

Rowan pointed at the cotton candy shop. The cloud-like candy seemed to captivate his eyes.

"Alright, would you like one Zoe?"

"Yes, please."

Zoella took one of the shopping bags from Hayes. He smiled and walked over to the shop meanwhile Zoella looked after the twins.

"You guys know that eating too much candy can make your teeth rot, right?"

"They did?"

"No way!"

"Yes. There will be a worm in your teeth and it will eat them and then you'll be toothless."

Zoella wriggled her fingers as she said that. The twin's faces turned pale. Looks like their appetite for candy had gone.

"That if you eat too much."

"Then we'll just eat a little."

Rigel nodded in agreement. Because of that, the twins ate the candy little by little afraid that the worm would enter their mouths.

"Why are they doing that?"

"Who knows?"

Zoella's original intention was to warn them not to eat too much candy. Well, what's done is done. At least they listened to her.

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