~Stop Moving~

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~Sal pov~

I'm woken up by Larry begging me to do his eyeliner, so like the good boyfriend I am, I do as he said. I get up and kinda stole Ashs makeup kit. Me and him went to our bathroom and I grab out a eyeliner pen and I start tracing a small wing on his left eye. Then filling it in.

I start on the right but I get scared when I heard a knock on the door. "Daddy can I have some cereal?" Oh it was just Molly. I thought it was Ash, Asking where her makeup was.

"Yeah um go ask Ash, I'm busy!" I shout. And I hear her walk away.

"Ok now stop fucking moving Lar!" I shout at him quietly and grab some toilet paper to wipe off the access liner I made when I jumped. And I fill in the other eye.

I do Ash's makeup all the time, so I know what I'm doing. And because my mother used to let me do her makeup.

I finish the eyeliner and he looks in the mirror. "Wow Sal! I look sexy~!" He says smiling. "Yeah yeah let me put Ash's makeup back before she finds out we took it-!!" I open the door and Ash was in the doorway, looking kinda pissed off.

"Give me my makeup!" She says and I hand it to her, then she stomps back to her room. "Your welcome, Larry.."

I say and walk to the kids room. They were sound asleep with their new friend, Emi. I didn't want to disturb them but they had school today. So like the good father I am, I had to wake them up. "Wake up sleepy heads~ Time for school~" I say and they wake up rubbing their eyes. "Ok papa- I mean, dad." Molly says. "Did someone watch to much Hotel Transylvania? You called me 'papa' like Denis does." I chuckle and Molly pouts. And Emi giggles. "Ok breakfast will be soon, so get ready. Emi do you need a change of clothes?"

"No, sir I'll just go to my house it's only two blocks away." She says and goes down stairs getting her shoes on and running to her house. "Ok, well, hurry, don't wanna miss breakfast, do you?" They shake their heads. And I go down to the kitchen and watch Larry make bacon.

'God he's so hot wearing a apron. How is he this georgous?'

"Stop staring Sal! Your making me nervous!" He says. "Maybe I like making you nervous~" I whisper. "Shut up before I take you into that room and- OH! Hi Molly! Hi Dan! Did you sleep well?" They nod. "Good here's some food enjoy! I made it myself!" He says staring at me and then turns away. "Daddy, why are you wearing makeup?" Molly giggles.

"Because I wanted to wear some! Is it ok if daddy wears makeup?" He raises his eyebrow. "Yes. You look good wearing makeup!" She smiles and Dan does too. "Good. Now eat up! Don't wanna be late!" He says going towards Todd and Ash's room.

They all come in and I hear my phone buzz. It's Lisa.

Lisa: Hi Sal! Just wanted to tell you I'm coming over with gifts for you guys! So let everyone else know! And tell Molly and Dan they have a special surprise!

Me: Will do Lisa the kids will love to see their gran!

Lisa: Ok good I'm also bringing snacks! Ok? Be there in two hours!

Me: Ok bye!

"Hey Lisa is coming over with snacks and gifts for all of us. So she'll be here in two hours."

"I'll mow the lawn!" Todd says.

"I'll tidy up the rooms!" Ash says.

"I'll do the dishes!" Larry shouts.

"And I'll walk the kids." I sigh. Going to the closet and getting the kid's shoes on and their backpacks.

An hour later Lisa walks in and the kids run up to her jumping all over her. "Ok ok! Here's some snacks I bought Sal. Put 'em in the kitchen will you?" She hands me three bags. "Ok Lisa!" I say and put the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Promises..." Larry Johnson X Sally Face X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now