Twins House

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Ariana's pov

It's been a couple of days since Elijah's incident but now we're back home like nothing happened. "Yo bitch!" I jump on my bed which Emerson is laying on. "What bitch" she says dropping her phone and opening her arms for me.

I gladly cuddle with her. Oh and were dating now if you guys didn't know hehehe. "Everything okay?" She ask me. "Yeah why?" I look up at her. "Well you gone quiet so somethings up" ugh I hate when's she always right.

"Well-" I feel a sharp pain on my lower back and I look over to see Eli smirking with a fricken nurf gun in his hands. "Elijah I'm going to kill you!" I shout standing up and running off after him.

We ran round the house and end up in the kitchen where dad stopped us. "Woah no fighting in the house" he says taking the gun from Eli. "Now you have me a red spot on my back" I look in the mirror and Eli laughs at me.

"Are you sure it's from me and not Emerson" he wiggle his eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Well it could also be a h-" "it is not a hickey" I shove him and sigh. "Guys stop fighting" mom says walking in with Emerson behind her.

"Did she summon you here?" I ask Em and she shakes her head. "Okay why are we all here then?" I ask them. "Well..." mom smiles at me and now I'm getting worried. "Well what?" I sit down next to Em and Eli at the counter.

"We're going to the twins house today for supper and they said you kids can sleepover if you'd like" dad says and I sigh. I thought we were in trouble or something. "Can Em come?" Eli asks and I glare at him.

"Yes she can" mom said and Em and I high five. "But no funny business please" she says and we nod. Eli just makes a face and I roll my eyes. We sit there and talk about school and life. Nothing special.

Ariana's pov

"Hey MK and Ash!" I shout through the whole house. "Hey guys!" They shout back coming from the kitchen. MK is holding a plate with cookies. "Made you these" she says and i eye the cookies. "Did you poison these?" I ask her taking one and looking at it. "No"

"Okay then" I said eating it and Eli takes like five. "Want some?" MK asks Emerson but she declines. MK just smiles at her. "How's the little baby that's not born yet?" Ash asks putting a hand on moms stomach.

I just think it's weird when people do that. Like yes I know you guys are related and all but it's weird. "Dashes doing great!" Mom says and I roll my eyes. "I saw that" dad said and I sigh. "Sorry"

"How about you to show Emerson where you two are going to be staying tonight" dad suggested and I nod taking Em's hand and leading her upstairs. There's a whole section for guest/family. It's like a second mini house or something.

Eli already wine off in his room dropping his stuff off. "So this will be the room" I open the door and let her in. Her eyes go wide. "It's huge! Literally like a mini apartment" she says looking everywhere. "Haha yeah" I set me bag down so does Emerson.

"So there's two beds" I mention to her and she nods her head. Both of the beds were on the right and there was a window seat thing that I would always sit there and look outside when it was pouring rain.

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