3 Years Later...

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"Go Eli!!!" I shout as he runs with the ball in his hands. "No way!" Oliver says shaking me arm. He's excited because Eli might just do a touchdown. "Touchdown for Crismon!" The announcer said and we all cheered.

Okay let's rewind a little. It's been three years since the haunted house and all the other events that happened. There's not much that changed. Mom had her little girl and her names Sophia Rose Olsen. Rose insisted on having Sophia's middle name Rose because she said "she needs her middle name to be Sophia or else we aren't going to be besties" that's what she exactly said. So that how she got that middle name.

She's now three and looks a lot like mom. She has her nose and eyes and she has dads ears and lips. Let's move on. Um nothing really happened, like I said, but Eli did find himself a girlfriend and their adorable together. Her name is Kehlani Evans. We call her Key or Lani and sometimes by her last name.

Fun fact about her... she's related to Chris Evans. Yup! She's his little cousin. I'm still dating Emerson and it's going great. Wouldn't change a single thing.

Okay that's enough about our love life. Eli, Em, Oliver (my boy bestie. We met this year), Key and I are all attending to Harvard. Yup you heard me. That's where Eli met Kehlani. He's on the football team and he's playing right now as I speak. Or type. Haha. So since Eli is on the football team... I'm on the basketball team (idk if there's a basketball team but let's go with it) and Key and Em are cheerleaders.

I get to see Em in short skirt and damn... let's just say it turns me on. Oh and were all 18 now. I think that's it. Let me know if I'm missing anything.

Okay so now we are all cheering for Eli and his team. "Yessss!!!" The crowd screamed as they Crismom makes a move.

The game was intense but we won! People are starting to leave now so Oliver and I made our way down the bleachers. We go to the fence and hop over and we see Eli running over with his helmet in his hand. He's running with , I'm guessing his friend.

They finally reach us and I sigh. His friend is this kid that won't stop hitting on me and it's annoying but funny at the same time. "Good job guys!" I tell them and hug Eli making sure his sweet doesn't fall on me.

"Hey cutie" Logan said. That's Eli's friend. "Hi" i roll my eyes. I swear this child doesn't know anything. "Back off" Eli said and Logan put his hands up. "Sorry man but she's hot" he said then I feel someone jump on my back and I knew exactly who it was.

"Back off! She's mine" Em said holding onto me and I held on to her legs. "Sorry" Logan says walking off as he sees the other players going in the change room. Eli looks around and I know why. "They couldn't come to this one" I told him and he sigh. "Of course" he says.

"Good game babe" Kehlani showed up and kissed his cheek. "Thanks" he said and they started talking. "You know how sexy you look in that skirt?" I walk away with Em still on me. "Hmm no. You're going to have to tell me" she kisses me cheek and I set her down.

"Well you look incredibly sexy right now I could just rip that off" I told her and she bits her lower lip. She knows that turns me on. "Maybe you might have too" she smirks. "That's gross" Oliver walks up to us and we all laugh.

"Well, Key and I need to go change. You still want us to come over for supper?" Em asks me and I quickly kiss her lips before answering. "Of course" she nods and Kehlani walks over. "Shall we?" She says and Em nods.

"I'll see you soon" they start walking and I shout at both of them. Well mostly to Em. "Love you!" They turn around. "Love you more!" Em shouts and I can hear Key laughing. I roll my eyes and start walking to the parking lot waiting for the others.

"So, what shall we do while we wait?" I ask Ollie as we lean on my car. I have a with jeep and you know what twins do. They get the same thing. Eli has one but it's red. No one copied each other. It's what we always wanted.

"Rock paper scissors?" He tilts his head and I nod. I climb on the hood of the car and sit down while Ollie stands in front of me. We play for a bit until we hear some laughing. "Finally" Ollie says has they come up to us.

"Ready to roll?" Eli asks and we all nod. I was about to jump off but Ollie helped me down not wanting me to break my body. "Hey! I was supposed to do that" Em whines and we all laugh. "Want me to go back up?" I ask her knowing damn well the answer.

She nods and I go back up and she helps me down. "Cuties" Kehlani says as she gets in the car. I hop in the drivers seat with Em beside me and the others are in the back. I don't care who sits next to who. I'm just glad I'm here with Emerson. Lmao I still care about the others thooooo.

I start the car and drive off. Eli immediately snatches my phone and plays some music. We all sing along but I notice that Em wasn't. I put my hand on her knee and looked at her. It was a red light so I have time. "You okay?" I mouth and she just nods her head and looks out the window.

Something up and I know she isn't okay. I'll talk to her later. "Eli turn that trash off" Kehlani tells Eli and he immediately turns the country music off. Thank god.

"We here bitches!" Ollie says running out of the car and to the front door of mom and dads house. "I think Chris is coming and Scar" I tell the others and they nod as we make our way inside the house.

"Omg smells so good!" Ollie says walking in the kitchen. I shake my head and follow him. Well, we all do. "Hey kids! How was the game?" Dad asks holding a little Sophia in his arms. "Ari!" Sophia squeals and I run over to her and hold her. She plays with my hair, she loves doing that.

"Where's mom?" Eli looks around. "In the back with the others" dad says and we all walk in the backyard and see everyone. Literally everyone. I thought it was only going to be Chris and Scar. "Good win Eli!!!" They all shouted. What I mean by 'they'... it's literally all the marvel cast with their family.

"Thanks but how did you guys know we won?" He asks as mom walks over and take Sophia from me. Thank god. She was messing my hair up. "We saw it" Mackie says and Eli looks confused. "How?" "Well it was recorded? Duh" Mackie says. "Mackie!!!" They all shout because he's being annoying like always.

"Okay enough of that, let's have fun. I have all my kids here this weekend!" Lizzie says and they all cheer. Oh and it's Friday. We all start 'partying'. Rose is playing with Soph in the sandbox building a castle.

We all talk for a bit then I was going to look for Em because I haven't seen her. I saw her walking inside the house looking down at her phone stressed. "I'll be back" I told Eli and Ollie who were with me right now. Key was talking with Chris.

What do you think is going on with Emerson?

Oh and should I do a part two when they are in college?

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