Season 5 Finale Q&A (SPOILERS!)

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Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've done one of these, so I thought I would do a Season 5 finale Q&A! Below contains spoilers for Season 5, but no spoilers for Season 6, only hints and clues. Enjoy!

You're calling the final season of Fear Games The Season of Answers. Why did you settle on this name?

Going into Season 6, I'm sure that everyone has a lot of questions. I want to reassure everyone that you will not have to wait until the series finale to get your answers. You will get them in little bits and pieces throughout the season leading up to the finale. It's going to be one crazy ride, so all I can say is...buckle up!

There were two big things that happened in the Season 5 finale. Let's talk about those. The first thing is that Josh says that Daisy Williamson is actually alive and is the new Fear Games killer. Rachel and Eden seemed as though they had reservations about that. What can we expect going into Season 5?

The mystery of whether or not Daisy is alive is the big question of the final season. There's a lot of questions surrounding she and her whereabouts. Where has she been this whole time? What has she been doing? Why did she wait twenty years to start the Games again? All these questions, plus whether or not she's alive, are the core mystery of Season 6. I think some of the answers surrounding this big question will be shocking. 

The second biggest thing to happen in the finale is Eden's death. What do you have to say about the suspicious way her life ended?

The one thing I can say about Eden's death is that not everything in Fear Games is ever as it seems. There's always more lying under the surface. 

How will everyone be affected in regards to Eden's death?

Everyone handles her death in different ways, especially her children. Grief is a funny thing, and everyone goes through the 5 Stages differently. But part of what's happening in Season 6 is that there's so much going on all at once and there may not be a whole lot of time to deal with the grief in a healthy way. There are still killers out there, you know.

Speaking of the killers, what can you tell us about the ringleader's identity? Obviously right now Daisy is the main suspect, but will there be any more theories in Season 6?

Daisy is the main suspect, and they do spend most of the season trying to prove whether or not she's alive. However, there are at least a couple other big surprises in store that I think are really going to shock people. 

Some people suspect a budding romance between Rachel and Isaiah. What can you tell us about that?

Isaiah coming into Season 5 honestly surprised me because I didn't expect I'd ever write about his character again. But I felt like Rachel needed someone to ground her in all of the insanity going on in her life. So is a romance possible? Maybe. But I can't say for certain right now.

What about the romances between Cinder and Colton or Kael and Arya? What will happen to them in Season 6?

There's a lot of stress happening in The Season of Answers, and the kids who are in relationships might cling to each other in hopes of finding some sanity and strength. However, leaning on other people for your strength isn't always the best thing and can cause tension in the relationships. 

Season 5 didn't have a very high body count as far as deaths go. What can we expect in Season 6?

Expect a lot more deaths. Probably closer to the latter-half of the season, but definitely more deaths. The stakes are much higher in Season 6.

Anything else you want to tell us about Season 6: The Season of Answers?

There will be many twists. There will be many turns. There will be betrayals and heartbreaks. There will be chaos. There will be deaths. But most of all, there will finally be some damn answers. So get ready!

See you all with Season 6: The Season of Answers soon!

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