5. Unmasking the Masquerades

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Matt and I were getting ready in the basement of the school, uniforms on and prepared for the worst. I handed Matt a gun, and I put mine in my back pocket. 

This is for Haven, I thought, trying not to cry. We're going to end this once and for all.

"You ready?" I asked Matt as he put on his Masquerade mask. 

He nodded. "If you think it's the right thing to do."

I smiled but it felt a little forced after everything that was happening. "Of course it is," I said. "It's time they know the truth. It's time they know everything."



The idea that Damien was gay was racing through my mind nonstop all afternoon. How had I never noticed? Were there any signs that I missed? And more importantly, was he as in love with me as I was with him?

I didn't have much time to question it. Shortly after our discovery, I got a text from Eden.

I know who all the helpers are, I said. I finally figured it out. I'm on my way. And whatever you do, STAY AWAY FROM MATT! 

Stay away from Matt? My blood ran cold. Was she suggesting that Matt was one of Daisy's helpers? 

"Uh, Brandon," I said. "I think we have a problem."

"What is it?" he asked.

I didn't even know how to explain it. I was shaking with fear, trying my best to breathe. Matt was the helper. All along, Matt was the helper. All the lies. All the acting. All the times I trusted him. It was all one big lie. But how did Eden actually get the proof?

"Matt's the helper," I said finally.

Brandon's eyes widened. "How do you know?"

"I don't, exactly," I said. "Eden texted me. She said she knows who the helpers are and that we need to stay away from Matt."

A knock on the door got our attention, and I stared at Brandon. He shrugged and I got up to go answer the door. Eden was here and I'd finally get some answers. Whatever she uncovered was going to change everything, I already felt it.

I threw open the front and gasped when I saw who it was.

A Masquerade stood in the doorway, mask covering their face. But it didn't take a rocket scientist for me to know who it was. Knowing what I knew now made it a lot more obvious. More obvious than it ever was before.

"Matt," I whispered.

"Josh!" Brandon screamed.

I spun around to see another Masquerade stepping into the living room from the kitchen. They stood over by Brandon, who was holding his hands up like a little girl. It was a bit funny--if anything about this could be funny.

I turned back to the Masquerade in the doorway. Staring at the eyes, I knew it was Matt. Tears started welling in my eyes. "If you're going to kill me, go ahead and do it," I said through gritted teeth. "You've already lied about everything else. Who's to say that your intention hasn't been to kill me this entire time?"

Slowly, Matt reached up to take off the mask. When he revealed his face to me, it was getting harder to fight back the tears. Seeing him standing in my doorway dressed down to his feet in the Masquerade uniform, I was disgusted. A sick feeling sat in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Let me in," Matt said. "Please."

I knew if he really wanted to hurt me, he'd do it without my permission anyway. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of the way to let him inside. He stepped through the threshold and  walked over to the couch but didn't sit. Instead, he made a hand motion toward it. "You should sit." He looked over at Brandon and said, "You should sit, too. We have a lot to discuss."

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