6. Not Gonna Die

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On the drive to the school, I was getting very agitated. It was clear that Rachel hadn't told Brandon and I everything, because my best friend was missing and I was in a complete state of panic. If anything happened to Eden, I didn't know what I'd do.

When we arrived, we got out of our cars and followed them into the school and down to the basement, where apparently they'd been having their meets at. It was a reasonable place to meet, I suppose.

Once down in the basement, Rachel told Brandon and I, once again, to sit on the couch. I did as directed, but this was truly the last thing I wanted to be doing.

"You have literally five minutes to tell me what the hell you know that we don't," I said. "I thought you told us no more lies."

"I didn't have to tell you," Rachel said. "I promise, I was going to. To be honest, I have no idea who this person is or what they want."

"How do you not know?" Brandon asked.

"About a week after Daisy revealed herself as the killer, Matt, Haven, and I met at St. Paul's to try and uncover some information," Rachel said. "I got a phone call but their voice was disguised. They told me that they were from St. John's, the adult facility under the same control at St. Paul's and Mary's. They claimed that they knew Daisy and they wanted to help."

"So they think you guys were her helpers?" I asked. I wasn't too sure I believed everything Rachel was saying. After being lied to nonstop for weeks, it was hard to believe she'd suddenly start being honest now.

"That's what I'm thinking," Matt said. "Rachel's not too sure." He shot her a look.

"Well, as far as we know, they haven't done anything," Rachel said. "This is the first time I've actually even seen them. They call a lot, but it's always just them begging to join us. I try my best to ignore it, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't."

"We have to find out who they are!" I said. "They probably took Eden!"

Rachel shook her head. "I wish it was that simple," she said. "I don't think they actually took Eden. Whoever took her is clearly watching her, right? I mean, if she was really kidnapped."

Despite Rachel's comment, I wasn't too sure. The Mystery Masquerade was a part of this. But the biggest question was how.



My eyes fluttered open as the feeling of cold, hard ground pressed against my cheeks. At first I wasn't sure what happened. Was I waking up in my bed? Was it all just a dream? I sat up and rubbed my cheek to try and make it warm. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me, I realized I was in some sort of cell.

"What the...?" I whispered. But it wasn't a cell.

It was a cage.

"Oh my God," I said as I stood up. Running over to the bars, I tried my best to wiggle them open, but I knew it was no use. So I settled for the next best thing.

"Help!" I screamed. "Somebody help me!" 

Okay, think, I thought. I can get out of this. I just need to figure out how. The Masquerades aren't going to get away with this. 

My eyes scanned the room and I found a camera in the corner watching over me, a little red light flashing that indicated that it was on. I was being watched.

"Hey there," I said, smiling angrily. "Since I know you're watching this, instead of hiding behind a camera, how about you get your ass down here and face me yourself?"

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