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A lot of people have been wondering what's been going on as far as my writing. Truthfully, I wish I had an easy answer. Unfortunately, 2018 has been totally kicking my ass. I've had constant writer's block since the end of last year, even though I'm full of ideas. The words just don't want to come out. On top of that, motivation, time, money, and effort had been a huge struggle for me lately. I decided to just take a moment to answer some questions for those that would like to know.

1. Where is FROSTBITE'S FURY (The Forbidden Darkness Chronicles, #4)?

The good news is, the book is actually done. Well, mostly. The book is still currently in the middle of being edited and tweaked. On top of that, it would require money that I do not have right now to put the book out. For those that are impatient, a rough version is available on Wattpad. I plan to eventually get it out later this year.

2. What does that mean for book 5?

I originally started writing ANGEL'S RAGE on Wattpad. Unfortunately, due to the severity of my writer's block, I am really struggling to complete it. Right now, I am focusing on trying to get my motivation back.

3. Where is CATASTROPHIC CHLOE (my new Wattpad serial mystery)?

That is coming. As of right now, that's one of my top priorities. I plan on getting season 1 out this summer for you to read if I can get through this writer's block.

4. What ever happened to EVERY SHADE OF ME?

For those that do not know, ESOM was a book I announced about a year or two ago, set in the same universe as THE LONG ROAD HOME, from a different characters' perspective of a gay empath. The story was meant to be a young adult realistic fiction novel with some romance and real life issues yet again. Unfortunately, other projects are too demanding right now and that book had been put on hold until further notice.

5. Where is GODS LIKE US?

Similarly to ESOM, GODS LIKE US has been put on hold until further notice.

6. When can we expect a new book from you?

Hopefully soon, but I've learned not to make promises I cannot keep. All I can say is keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will eventually come around, I promise. Writing for a living is a dream I will never permanently give up on.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out and let me know your concern. I appreciate all the ongoing love and support. I'll see you all real soon.

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