Fear Games: 20 Years Forward (Meet the Characters)

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20 years after the horrific events of the Fear Games, a brand-new mystery has come to town. And this time, the Fear Games survivors have their children to worry about.


Rachel: Survivor of all three original twisted games, Rachel is now single a mother of two, living in the same town where the Games started. With her adult son moving back home, she finds herself in a much bigger situation than she bargained for. When she receives a phone call from an old friend, she realizes that the Games may be far from over.

Eden: Survivor of Daisy, Damien, and Brandon's Fear Games, Eden is now a mother of three, struggling to keep her marriage together. With Rachel still as her friend, the two of them find themselves in a shady circumstance that may now include their children.

Emerald: As Rachel's youngest child, Emerald feels as though her mother should be comfortable sharing what happened to her when she was younger. Of course, what happened to Rachel was awful, but living in a town full of dark secrets and new technology, Emerald finds herself at the center of a new mystery that could eventually lead to her demise--and everyone around her.

Cinder: As Eden's child and Emerald's best friend, she knows that she should feel bad for sleeping with Emerald's boyfriend. However, someone in town knows her secret and is threatening to expose her to the whole school--and may even come after her life.

Kael: No one ever said starting private high school would be easy. But Eden's middle child has been bullied for years and Kael's finally had enough. When an offer to lead a new round of Fear Games comes his way, the new Player swears no one will die this time. What could possibly go wrong?


Josh: Survivor of Daisy, Damien, and Brandon's Fear Games, Josh has spent the last twenty years in hiding. But doing what? As a new Fear Games approaches, Josh finds himself in a dangerous situation.

Calix: Rachel's oldest son comes home from out-of-state after his mental health has slowly been deteriorating. But there's secrets that Calix hasn't told his mother. Secrets that could end badly for anyone he comes in contact with.

Echo: Eden's youngest child, Echo is a student at the local middle school. She's smart, in all advanced classes, and is excited to start at the private high school next year. What she doesn't know is that someone is watching her, waiting for the right move to make to take she and her friends down--and maybe even end their lives.


I hope you're just as excited to start reading Fear Games: 20 Years Forward as I am for you to get sucked into this familiar world! What character are you most excited to see? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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