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Hello dear readers,

I wanted all you fabulous Fear Games readers to know that I started working on a new project today that I am so excited about. It's seriously going to blast Fear Games out of the waters. I can't say too much about it yet, because I want to get the whole first season written before officially announcing it. 

Here's what I'll say about it:

- It's Fear Games in vein, meaning lots of murder and mystery

- The seasons for this new series will be shorter, probably around 8 episodes each. This will give me room to work on other projects while simultaneously putting these out for you as much as possible.

- It's going to be rated MATURE, so it'll be for 18+ readers. Meaning lots of gore, lots of sex, and lots of bad f*cking words!

I hope you will all join me on this new adventure when the time comes.

See you all real soon!


Alec John Belle

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