5. The Truth

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Rachel demanded that Kael, Echo, and I get in the backseat of her car, and Emerald climbed into the passenger seat. We had no idea where we were going, or what Rachel had in store for us, my I suddenly felt uneasy, my stomach churning and doing gymnastics. Rachel's face was stern as she adjusted her rearview mirror, then started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

We were only two minutes down the road when I found myself asking, "Aunt Rachel, where are you taking us?"

"Please don't ask questions," Rachel said. "There's a lot you need to know—deserve to know—and I'm going to make sure you find out the right way." She kept her eyes laser-focused on the road, not even meeting my eyes in the mirror.

I slouched down in the seat and looked at Kael, who was staring out the window. He had no idea what was happening either. My sister Echo was texting someone on her phone, completely avoiding whatever was happening right now. There was only so much weirdness a teenager like her could handle.

The drive didn't take too long, less than an hour. Finally, we pulled up to what I recognized as Rachel's family cabin. I'd been here a few times during my friendship with Emerald, but I still couldn't figure out why we were here now. What was it that Rachel wanted to do here? If she was trying to bring us here to keep us safe, she would have told us to pack.

No, this wasn't about protecting us. There was something inside. Something that Rachel needed us to know. My mind wandered to a million different places, but I couldn't be a hundred percent positive about anything.

Rachel nearly jumped out of the car and slammed the door behind her. She said, "Everyone get out and follow me." We all did as she commanded, walking behind her as she walked the steps up to the porch of the cabin. When we reached the door, she turned to look at us. There was a deep sadness in her eyes—and maybe regret? I couldn't be sure.

"Listen to me carefully," Rachel said. "There's something in here that's going to shock you. And might potentially anger you. But you have to know that we did this to keep you safe, to try and figure out who was behind the Fear Games killings. But we realized we were wrong to keep you in the dark."

"We?" I said, confused. Was she talking about herself and Isaiah? Or someone else?

The front door opened and a woman stepped out in pink pajamas, her hair a chaotic disaster. When our eyes met, I couldn't believe who I was looking at. My heart dropped all the way to the ground, like I was on a roller coaster. I could tell by my siblings' faces—and Emerald's too—that they were just as surprised.

The woman smiled sadly and said, "Hi, kids. It's me."

My mother wasn't dead. My mother wasn't dead. My mother wasn't dead. My mother wasn't dead! I had no idea if I wanted to cry, hug her, or beat her ass. Was I allowed to do all three?

"Mom...is it...really you?" Kael asked, tears streaming down his face already.

Mom was crying too as she nodded. "Yes, it's really me."

Kael rushed into her arms, holding her close. Echo followed quickly after, turning Kael's single hug into a group hug. Mom looked up at me, smiling through the tears. "Cinder?"

"You're alive," I said, knowing that my tone sounded more aggressive than it should have in a time like this. Or maybe this was exactly the right time. "You faked your own death?"

"We should head inside," Rachel said. "There's a lot that we need to discuss, and we don't want anyone spotting us out here." So we all walked inside the beautiful cabin and made our way over to the large leather couch. Mom, Kael, Echo, and Emerald sat on the couch. I stood far away, trying to make it clear just how pissed I was. Even though I was so happy to see my mother again, I couldn't get over the anger that was bubbling up inside me.

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