3. Kill! Kill! Kill!

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"She tried to kill us," I said at the group meeting later that evening. Brandon, Eden, Matt, and I were all gathered in my living room while my parents were out. It was shortly after the events at the mountains and I was still shaking from fear.

If the whole point of Fear Games was to terrify me, they were certainly doing a good job.

"She has to be the helper," Matt said. "It makes the most sense, doesn't it? She tried to run us off the road."

"It does make sense," Brandon said. "She was the one who gave you guys that file about Peter, right? She was trying to throw you off of her and Daisy."

While it was an easy theory to believe, part of me couldn't wrap my head around it. But it was so clear. Layla had to be the helper. "So what do we do now?" I asked. "How do we stop her?"

"I say go to Rachel," Eden suggested. "She clearly knew Layla when they were at St. Mary's together. Maybe Rachel figured it out. Hell, I'm not even entirely convinced that she isn't in on it."

Everyone was quiet for a moment. If Daisy was the killer, and Layla was her helper, that still didn't explain the events at the graveyard, did it? How could Layla have gotten out of St. Mary's when she was a patient there? So many things weren't adding up.

"Where the hell is Damien?" I asked out loud, pulling out my phone to make sure the text went through. It did. It also showed that he read it as well. Great.

"He's still going through a lot," Brandon said. "I went over there yesterday. He's pretty distraught over everything that's happened. I say give him some time."

That's the issue. I was trying to give him as much time as he needed, but it wasn't doing any good. My best friend finally returned and I could barely see him because he seemed afraid of everything. Not that I really blamed him. Part of me still loved him and I knew that I always would. My heart clenched at the thought of him hurting.

Secrets are the root of Fear Games. Rachel's words that she said to me the first day I visited her in St. Mary's rang through my head. I had still been unable to make sense of them. What did Layla have to do with me--or any of us? 

"I've been trying to give him time," I said. "He's just not--"

A knock on my front door got all of our attention. Was it Damien? I hopped off the couch fast, nearly sprinting to the door. When I opened it, I expected to see my best friend.

Instead I saw some girl.

"Hi," she said, extending her hand to me. "My name's Leslie. I'm here to help."



I watched Leslie's car pull into Josh's driveway as I sat in my own car not too far down the road with Haven in the passenger seat. The two of us were observing to see where Leslie was going, because Haven had a feeling Leslie knew more than she was letting on.

And sure enough, she arrived here.

"What do you think she's doing there?" Haven asked. She was in her disguise, as usual, with the mask covering her face. We couldn't be seen doing this.

"I have no idea," I whispered, somewhat interested myself. Did Leslie even know Josh? How did she get his address? Something about it was rubbing my the wrong way, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

I drove the car a little closer to his house, but not close enough for them to possibly see us. I noticed some other cars in the driveway, indicating that the group was probably having a meeting. Go figure.

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