Season 4 Possibility? (20 Years Forward Idea)

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Hey there readers,

Long time no see.

So here's the thing. I've been on Wattpad since 2012. I've had many stories and books, deleted some, added some, and left some for readers to gravitate towards. Out of my eight years on Wattpad, Fear Games has been my highest rated and highest read story. I get comments and notifications every day from readers telling me how much they love the story, their shocks at the killer reveals, and even critiques here and there.

At 74k reads, I am coming to you because I've been sitting on a new Fear Games story idea for many years now. The idea follows Rachel, Eden, their kids, and maybe even Josh in a new chaotic mystery 20 years after the events of season 3. There'd be some familiar faces, lots of new faces, new technology, and new ways to die.

This idea could also potentially go beyond season 4 into another 3 or so seasons. 

So what do you think? Are you all down for another adventure? Let me know what you think down in the comments and vote if you want to see Fear Games: 20 Years Forward!


Alec John Belle

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