Big News!

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Hello readers,

I am so excited to be making this announcement. Back in 2015, I never expected that Fear Games would become as popular as it has, and it's growing in popularity day by day. I always intended to do what I am finally doing, but it just never seemed like the right time.

Until now!

Although there is not set date yet, I want to announce that Fear Games is going physical! Paperbacks are going to be made! This is a huge thing for me and I'm so excited to get these books in your hands.

Feast your eyes on each Seasons' cover below!

Feast your eyes on each Seasons' cover below!

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I hope you all love these covers as much as I do! Let me know if you'll be purchasing these when they become available! Are you as excited as I am?

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I hope you all love these covers as much as I do!
Let me know if you'll be purchasing these when they become available! Are you as excited as I am?

Much love,
Alec John Belle

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