3. Of Late I Think of Fear Games

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I was fucking livid. No, I was beyond livid. I was fucking pissed. As I made my way into the school that morning, I sent Cinder off to class and told Kael to follow me to the office. No way in hell was I going to let my son go to school and suffer that kind of embarrassment.

Well. Not yet anyway.

All eyes fell on us as we stormed into the front office. I walked behind the counter, dragging Kael with me, ignoring whatever the lady at the desk had to say. When I found Mr. Wilson's door, I threw it open and barged right in.

Mr. Wilson was an older man with greying hair on the top of his head that still managed to be nicely made and sculpted. He had few wrinkles on his face, but I wasn't sure about the rest of his body. His brown eyes fell on both my son and me and he said, "Mrs. Walker, what brings you here this morning? Don't you have class to prepare for?"

I stepped closer to the desk and slammed down my fist. "You know exactly why I'm here, Wilson."

The principal narrowed his eyes and said, "You must be here about the photos of your son circulating the internet."

"Oh gee, you don't think?" I said. "My son was tormented by these boys and there are now naked images of him floating around social media. Thank God most social media platforms got rid of the pictures before they got too far, but I'm sure they've been seen by enough students to cause problems for Kael."

"Mrs. Walker—"

"Don't you think even for a second that I won't go to the police with this," I said firmly. "This is child pornography! And it's my son. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior from the other students. I want serious consequences for the boys that did this to him."

Mr. Wilson sat there for a moment and didn't say a word. Finally he said, "How would you like me to handle this?"

"I have no idea," I said. "You're the head of this school. You figure it out. I just want to make sure those boys can never mess with my son again. Got it?"

Mr. Wilson's stern frown quickly changed into a smirk. "Of course, Mrs. Walker." He reached over for his office phone and dialed a quick extension, then waited for an answer. "Nina? Can you do me a favor and get me the footage from yesterday's, uh, event with Kael Walker?" There was a pause and Mr. Wilson said, "Well, get on it. I want all of the boys involved in my office by this afternoon. Thank you." He hung up and phone and looked up at me, his smile never fading. "Happy?"

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of his eyes on my body. I should have been happy that I was getting what I wanted, but it seemed too easy. "Sure," I said. "But one other thing."

"Of course."

"I'm keeping Kael home from school until these boys are dealt with," I said.

"But Mom," Kael interrupted. "I can't ever show my face around here again!"

I turned to face him and said, "We'll deal with this, okay? I understand you're embarrassed, but your father and I paid good money to get you into this school. We're not going to let you leave because some boys want to mess with you. They're going to be handled and you'll be able to come right back."

"Believe me, Kael, I'll be taking this situation seriously," Mr. Wilson said. "You have nothing to worry about."

"How am I going to get home?" Kael asked.

"Easy," I said. "You're going home with aunt Rachel."


I pulled up to Valley View Private School to find Kael Walker sitting on a bench right outside the building looking pretty distraught. When I heard about what happened from Emerald, I contacted Eden and she asked me to pick up her son after her meeting with the principal that morning.

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