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At this point, I was use to getting left behind by my friends. First it was Paul, and then Embry...and now Jake.

Maybe it was me? I knew I could get a little temperamental sometimes- but is that really enough to make everyone leave? No. It couldn't have been that...there had to be another reason. Maybe not...maybe it was just my shitty choice in friends.

I finished the sentence I was writing in my journal, shutting it with a long sigh. Our 'relationship' had barely just started, and already Jacob had found a way to leave me like almost all of the other men in my life. All except Quil, and my dad of course.

Could I even call it a relationship? No...Bella still had him wrapped around her finger.

Either way, I found myself missing him. His laugh, his smile, his long, beautiful hair...

I missed him.

Neither Bells or I had heard from Jake since the movies, which was worrying. Billy, his dad, said he had mono- but still, a call would've been nice. From what I could tell, Bella's been blowing up his phone and to no avail, leaving endless voicemail.

"Are you coming? I'm gonna go see him." Bella rushed down the stairs, rushing past the couch I sat on and toward the door. Without a word, I jumped up and grabbed my jacket- following her out into the rain.

"His dad said-"

"Yeah. I know what Billy said, but something isn't right." She started the truck, backing out of the driveway in a rush, "Jake would never...he wouldn't just disappear. "

But he did.

"What do you even want out of all of this, Bella?" I sighed, looking out the window.

"I don't know what you mean..."

"Don't play dumb." I turned my head to look at her, "Let's say you actually get to talk to him. What would you even say?"

She scoffed, turning into the Black's driveway, "I just want an explanation."

You and I both.

Our conversation was put on hold when we caught sight of someone who looked an awful lot like Jake, but couldn't have been.This guy was more built, and his hair was cropped short. There was a tattoo sat on his upper bicep.

There's no way that was Jacob Black.

The slam of the truck door made me turn my attention to Bella, who walked over to an unhappy looking Jacob.

I should probably go back her up...

What would I even say? I was worried about questioning Bella, but didn't even know what to say myself.

I barely mustered up the courage to get out, but pushed aside my doubts and stepped out into the rain. Now that I got a clearer view of his face, my breath left my throat.

It was Jacob.

"You want someone to blame? How about those filthy blood suckers that you love so much? The Cullens." He glared down at Bella.

Oh shit.

Bella started to stutter. I could only see her back, but I could only imagine how her face must've looked. What do I do? She doesn't know I know about the Cullens, and neither does Jake.

I stayed put next to the truck, the rain not really phasing me with my hood up.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been lying to everyone. Charlie, Athena. But you can't lie to me...not anymore." Jacob was clearly pissed, but Bella just wasn't taking the hint.

"It wasn't her secret to tell." I decided to cut in, shoving my hands unto my pockets. I went to step forward, but froze when Jake finally looked at me. My vision zeroed in on him, bringing me back to a dream I had while in the hospital...

'The creature stared back at me, obviously giving me no verbal response. The way it looked at me reminded me of a human. Nobody never looked at me as if their whole world revolved around me, like this animal did. But, what told me that this was the same animal from my last dream, was the way my heart was beating so fast the closer I got to it.

No, nobody had ever given me this sense of security.

"Then...who are you?" I whispered, only less than a foot away from it. Slowly, I reached my hand out- touching the soft fur of it's head with my palm. It leaned it,s head down, nestling into my hand.

"You." I whispered to myself, the feeling hit me like a swift kick to the chest.

It felt like the rain had stopped around me, and he was the only thing all of my senses could focus on. It was a feeling so intense, that I felt like it was taking over my breath- and filling my lungs. I could've bet anything that my heart was gonna stop in that exact moment. And I swore I could hear his heartbeat mirroring mine, but that would be impossible.

Almost as impossible as him being that large animal from my dream.

But then what was this feeling?

No matter how much I wanted to- I couldn't look away from him.

The way his eyes connected with mine. The world stopped- and I could've sworn that him and I were the only ones there; Despite my sisters voice calling out in the background. Despite the heavy rain falling onto me like an endless bucket of water-

I only saw him.

My heart was beating so damn quickly, for him.And at that moment, I didn't care for anything or anyone else in Forks- in the world- except for him.

Before the urge to turn from my sister and go to him overtook my mind- it disappeared as if it wasn't even there to begin with as soon as he turned away.

And I kept my gaze on him, until he was gone.

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