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Cold ones.

The words on the paper screamed at me, pushing me to turn the page and read more about the darkness that hid behind the scenes of Forks Washington. More specifically, the Cullen's.

Hours of reading and research, and everything finally started to become clear to me.

Ice cold touch.

Pale skin.

Never seen outside in the sun.

"Vampires." I said in a whisper, closing the book "They're freaking vampires!"

I sat on my bed, holding the book against myself as I glanced at the moon in thought. So many questions raced through my head.

Is it safe to be around them? After Bella's birthday... the way Jasper seemed to want to rip our heads off, the wild look he held in his eyes...I don't think that going anywhere near the cold family would be safe for either Bella or myself.

I need answers, and I could research for days upon days...but that wouldn't be enough.


Thunder cracked in the sky, waking me in a jolt from a peaceful sleep. In a sleep ridden daze, I glanced at my alarm clock after clearing my eyes of any trace of sleep.

2:17 AM

Regardless of how much I tried to wipe my eyes of their sleepy glaze, everything was still blurry. Not only that, but I swear I could feel eyes on the side of my head. I wasted no time in turning my head only to meet a pair of amber colored eyes staring back into my own.

I gasped, my heart jumping into my throat, not expecting to actually see anybody,

"Were you just watching me sleep?"

"You know."

Though I should have been terrified that a man I barely knew sat in the corner my room in the middle of the the night, it was like I physically couldn't be afraid.

"How long?" He spoke so calmly, as if me knowing such a big secret wasn't potentially dangerous for both sides involved.

I took a minute to answer, adjusting the comforter on my lap,

"Since yesterday," I paused, "Is this the part where you kill me?"

I felt like it was a valid question. A supernatural creature sneaks into your room in the middle of the night...one with an apparent insatiable and uncontrollable hunger for blood.

"I could." he paused, "But you aren't scared, are you."

My gaze met his once again, only this time he was leaning against my windowsill instead of standing in the corner.

"Being scared wouldn't change the fact that you could end my life in the next few seconds. So how about we skip to the part where you tell me what you're doing in my room at two thirty in the morning."

It might've been stupid of me to talk to him in such a way, but he didn't react.

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Ohhh. I get it now, this is the part where you tell me to keep your secret to myself or you'll kill me. Is that it?"

"No," he spoke, seemingly deep in thought "My family and I are leaving Forks, so even if you did tell anybody- it wouldn't matter. Nobody would be alive to spread the word by the time we come back."

I had a strong feeling this conversation had something to do with Bella.

"You can't take her with you. I won't let her go, so if this is you're way of telling me to say goodbye to my sister- you'll have to kill me before I let that happen."

Those were probably not the smartest words to say to a vampire. But the thunder and rain had settled outside, so if he did in fact try to kill me, somebody was bound to hear.

Guaranteed I'd be dead long before my dad or Bella made it to my room in time, but at least I could have a surviving chance if they got to me in time.

"We aren't taking your sister with us."

A sense of relief washed over me, until realization hit me.

"She- He loves her, you know what that would do to her?" I swung my legs over the side of my bed, standing up. "He can't do that to her..."

Jasper seemed perplexed, but it was clear that this wasn't up for debate...and I certainly didn't have much of a say in the matter seeing as my relationship with the family was basically non-existent.

"It's what's best for Bella. Edward knew this was a bad idea from the start...he let it go to far. It's safer this way."

"Safer for who? If you guys leave- that'll kill my sister. You have no idea-"

He cut me off, removing his eyes from me and to the window, "It's what's best for everybody."

I didn't know what to say. I had so many questions, but I knew I wouldn't get the answers I wanted.

"Why are you telling me? It's gonna affect my sister the worst so shouldn't you be in her room, warning her?" I questioned.

Throughout the full half an hour we've been sitting here, he'd only moved once. This time, he moved closer to me. Pushing himself off of the window, he took slow steps closer to me until he was standing a few inches in front of me.

My instincts told me to back up, but at this point it was clear he had no intention to hurt me.

"I originally came here to apologize." He explained "The other night...I lost control."

His southern accent was soothing, and his amber eyes stared down into mine- almost pulling me into some type of trance.

The last time we were in the same room for this long, he nearly killed my sister.

"Why would I accept your apology? I barely know you." I took a step back, "You almost killed my sister, and gave me a concussion." I brought my hand to the back of my head, feeling along where the stitches were before.

"I'm glad you understand our situation then...goodbye, Ms. Swan." He grabbed my hand from the back of my head gently, pressing a ghostly kiss to the back of it before completely disappearing from my room.

Goodbye, Cullens.

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