Chapter 2: Renascence

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                                                                   Chapter 2:



I felt Louis' arms come around my waist from behind. My cheeks turned into a deep red and with that his lips came onto my neck softly and he pulled away gently. I remembered when we first kissed---the feeling of his lips on mine were enchanting. He was full of passion than lust. He took his hands off from around my waist and clutched my hand---pulling me into the trees, where we were seen by no one. He stopped and backed me up against a tree.

A smile was on his delicate face whereas I couldn't break one. Louis played with the front of my hair and smiled while doing it. I bit down on my lip and he dragged his finger down my cheek. I blushed. And with that, he gently pecked my lips---and again---and again. He finally stopped and kissed me fully. I gripped the front of his navy blue shirt that was underneath his satin white jacket. Our lips drew away swiftly but gently.

I looked down slightly with a blush of red on my cheeks. Louis let out a quiet chuckle. "So---now I am making you blush, huh?"

I rolled my eyes as he showed a grin. I then stiffened. I started to remember Darel's story---of how Charse fell in love with him. I don't exactly know his full and entire story since it was his life, but at the same time I wanted to know more. Espcially about the...Renascence? Louis' eyes looked deep into mine when he lifted my head.

"You all right?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah----but, Louis?"


"Can you tell me--- that is if you know, what is the Renascence? Or who are they?" I asked. Louis stiffened instantly. The name I mentioned seemed to make him feel groggy and startled.

"Why do you want to know about them?" he questioned before allowing me to walk around a little.

"Well----Charse mentioned them to me when I asked her about how she and Darel became mates. I didn't even bother to ask her, because you and Liam, Harry, and Darel came back---plus the wedding was" I explained.

Louis snorted. "They aren't worth talking about---so why bother asking, Zayn?" He started to back away from me with a pale look on his face. "I don't even want to talk about this."

"Why not?!" I snapped. I lowered my voice when I heard how enraged I sounded. I had no idea to why I sounded like this. I cleared my throat as Louis just looked at me---he wasn't shocked or worried. "Why won't you tell me?"

He snorted and shook his head.

"Because they did this to me!" he revealed while holding out his arms slightly to his sides. "They turned me into what I am! A killer---a monster." He sighed and sat down on a log of a hollow tree. I sat beside him. "Do you want to hear my life? It was perfect---almost."

I scooted myself slightly closer to him and he bit down his lip before speaking.

"It was in 1901----I had a family, a home, and a girlfriend. She was more like a wife to me. I was young---I was only sixteen. She was fifteen. Her name was Emma. To me she was my whole world. My family loved her, I loved her---we were meant to be. She was also a very successful woman, my family on the other hand was poor and some even called us hopeless. But not Emma. To her I was a fragile little soul. I never received a chance to meet her family---but she would keep me quiet from them anyways, back in the day rich people didn't exactly accept poor folks like me. "My little sister, Amanda had died from a vicious animal attack and I boiled with rage. Age nine---she was nine. Her friends died as well. I wanted to protect my whole family now---especially my mother's newborn son Eden. He was only an infant. He reminded me of Amanda so much. He was beautiful as she was." One night---I was invited to Emma's house by her father. I wanted to look my best. Mother insisted that I brought Eden with me since he was attached to me. I was twenty-one and he was five years old. I took and when we came---Emma's family treated me like a proper guest...not as a poor boy. And that's what distracted me. Her brother, Richard took Eden upstairs to play with his old toys when he was a boy and I was downstairs with Emma's family. That's when I heard noises. I went upstairs to check on Eden....and when I did---he was lifeless, dead. "I figured it was an animal attack...but I was stupid to think so. I tried to leave and fetch for help, but I was blocked by Emma's family. Only to realize that they were colder than before. Emma revealed a wicked grin and sharp daggers for teeth. Her whole family had them as well---along with red eyes. She told me that the only way I could be with her was to become like her---a demon. The leader was a man with blue eyes when not thirsty or ready to kill. "And I figured I was a dead man when Emma bit my neck. But I wasn't. They locked me in a room---where I was in pain and I was alone, transforming from a beautiful man and into something else. I threw things, I broke things, I banged and kicked my feet on the door as I was in pain of my transformation. And when it was over--- I looked in the mirror that I had smashed to see my beautiful eyes red, my skin pale, and my brown hair turned into brown-orange. But the main thing that made me more angry was the teeth...right there I could see I was a newborn monster."

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