Chapter 10: Steady Damage

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                                                             Chapter 10:
                                                          Steady Damage


I gently woke him up, whispering his name. "Zayn--- Zayn, wake up."

Louis is on the other side of the bed, making sure that Zayn is fine with me here. No matter how much I persuaded Louis to leave me and Zayn to ourselves, he could never stop saying one word.


Zayn's gentle doe-brown eyes fluttered their way open and gleamed from his feather-dusters for eyelashes. His eyes were on my green ones. A gentle smile curled on my face and I went to open my mouth, but Zayn scooted away from me.

"What the heck are you doing here? Get away from me," Zayn protested. I sighed--- knowing that this was not so easy. Zayn didn't trust me anymore.

Louis rested his hand on Zayn's shoulder and tried to calm him down numerous times. "Zayn, Harry needs to explain himself to you. He'll show you why and explain afterwards," Louis gently said.

Zayn's eyes grew soft and he allowed me to show him. Though I cannot read his thoughts, I can still show him visions or flashbacks, which impresses me. I show him everything. The encounter I had with the newborn. Afterwards, Zayn starts to pant as his heart quickens. He manages his breath and looks at me.

I could see the warmth in his sudden fear of heart. I didn't know what he was fearing. The newborn or me?

"That's why I kissed that girl at gym Zayn. I didn't mean to harm you emotionally, but save you. You must trust me on this one. If that newborn knew that you were with us--- it would kill you first. At least let us be the first ones to be put at risk," I said.

I could feel a sudden rush of worry run through me. I waited for him to either yell or slap me. Yet, I'd hurt him if he touched me anyway. Instead he looked at me.

"Honest?" he asked.


Zayn smiled very faintly before Louis went to speak. "Zayn, we are going have to trust you on this. We are going to find the newborn--- but you have to promise. Do not let anyone in--- unless it is Jake. All right?"

Louis' demands were hard to Zayn. I knew that something was going to come, but Zayn trusted us. He knew that we would defend him. Zayn let a quick nod.

"All right, keep all the doors and windows locked," Louis strictly stated. And with that, I zipped through the house, locking all windows and doors. I came back in Zayn's room and he stayed cuddled in his bed, but still looked at us two.

"What if something happens?" asked Zayn, "while you're gone. And you have the wrong newborn."

Louis sighed and leaned forward to kiss Zayn's temple. "Won't be long," was all he said. Louis walked over to the window and opened it before leaping out of Zayn's room.

I walked my way over to the window and climbed out before closing it shut. Zayn walked over and locked it before I sprinted into the air.

I crashed to my feet within a hundred miles from where Zayn lives. Louis is by my side. We stayed our ground as we waited to see when the newborn would arrive. Nothing. Sigh.

"Ha-ha, look whose here," says a very familiar voice. I looked back to see the face of Delle. I snarl. "No need to hate. I just wanted to talk to you. Both of you."

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