Chapter 4: Riley

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                                                                      Chapter 4:



I walked straight through the trees. It was cold and I was shivering. I wanted to call for help---but who would it be? Mom is out in honeymoon with her new husband---and I am alone on this. Chase never truly loved me---I can see that now. My legs grew weak, and I dropped on my knees.

I curled myself up in a ball to keep warm and my eyes flew shut. And at that moment, I felt two strong arms come around my torso. I shiver and look behind me. Tears filled my eyes when I saw Chase as he scooped me up and carried me in his strong arms. "W-w-what are y-y-you doing?" I asked---shivering.

"Taking you home of course---I can't let you die."

I blushed before gently burying my face into his chest. His heart beated peacefully and my eyes closed shut.

I woke in the warmth of my bed. The room was slightly dark---but the light the moon delivered was good enough. I felt Chase's arms tighten around my waist. He and I were facing each other. My hand was on his toned and bare chest. I bit down on the corner of my lip and traced random patterns as his eyes were closed. I then traced: "I love you."

"I love you too" he said---sleepily.

I blushed hard and he pecked my lips. I remembered what happened before. The reason to me running away. Chase had tied me in the closet and locked me inside. I managed to slip out by cutting the rope with knife in the closet. I crawled out from the window and escaped.

Chase pressed his lips to mine and his kisses trailed from my jawline to my neck and throat.

My eyes shot open and I sat up on my elbows. The skies were dark and I sighed. How long have I been asleep? Long---I guess. I sat on the edge of my bed and sighed. The remembrance of Chase makes my body shiver. I tried to forget him---but somehow, I cannot.

I would tell mom, but Chase is a secret---and Jake won't be any help. I decided to slip on my sneakers and take a little stroll through the woods. Liam is gone---so, I guess there is no point in forgetting. I walked to my doorway and it was dark downstairs. Jake must have left just now. It was still hard for me to accept him as a police officer. But yet, I didn't say a thing to mom.

I walked downstairs and went straight to the front door. I opened it and closed it behind me. I walked straight into the woods and there was peaceful silence---that silence people may call awkward or creepy.

As I walked, I kept remembering Liam. His eyes, his face, everything about him. The way he would hold me---touch me----kiss me. It all was a complete delight. I stopped when I heard something behind me. I looked froze---someone was behind me. The person raised his hands up.

"My apologizes---I didn't mean to scare you. I was just wandering around" the person said. He sounded young.

I nodded slightly. "Who are you?" I asked---facing him. The boy looked young. He had blue eyes, black hair that was swept to the side and above his brow, and pale olive skin. He looked thin---but not too thin.

"Me? Riley Meyers. You?" he asked.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik" I spoke---then bit down on my lip. Riley smiled.

"I see you are shy, huh? Why are you out here by the way? It's late" he announced.

I rolled my eyes. "Shouldn't I be asking the same thing to you?"

Riley snickered.

"Come on. Want to walk with me?" he asked politely. I bit the corner of my bottom lip. The last time I walked was with Liam before he left. I guess Riley may take my mind off him.

I agreed. A warm grin curled on the childish face of Riley. He must be at least sixteen years old---he is very charming and I bet that wins the girls' hearts. There is silence between Riley and I before he breaks it.

"So---where you from?" asked Riley, smiling. I stared at him with question on my face. He snorted. "It's quite obvious that you're not from here. I mean look at you. You're more of a city boy."

I chuckled quietly. "Phoenix, Arizona. I moved here a while ago. It's nice here" I complemented. Riley giggled.

"I bet you thought it would suck here----didn't you, Malik?" is what he asked.

I blush hard and bite down on my lip. I did actually---but I couldn't say that to him. "No" I lied. "Not at all. To be honest, it's wonderful hear."

Riley chuckled.

"We need more city folks like you here" he pointed out.

My cheeks turned a deep red like a tomato---but Riley didn't notice. I wanted to say something else---but I don't know how to start a good conversation. Ever since I was a little kid, I would always allow my parents or someone else to speak to me before I spoke. Call me dull if you want---but I am honest.

"Um, Riley---how old are you?" I asked.


My mouth dropped slightly open as I looked at him. He looked so much yonger than that. I thought he was joking---but his eyes were honest.

"Oh...I'm Nineteen---be twenty in a few months" I stated.

"That sounds great. Hope I can come to the birthday party" Riley joked.

We continued to walk until I haulted. Riley looked at me and asked if I was all right. Was I? Riley a nice kid and all---but I still feel empty.

"Yea---I'm fine. It's just late and I'm tired" I told him.

Riley nodded slightly.

"I will see you again, yeah?" I asked.

Riley's childish blue eyes and his innocent smile appeared on that childish face. "Sure thing" he replied. I showed a shy grin before walking back home. Riley seems like an understanding kid too. He seemed good to talk to.

I came up to my house and walked inside. I was very tired. I went upstairs to my room and slipped off my sneakers. I stripped off my clothes so I could only be in my boxers. I tucked myself into bed and drifted to sleep.

The next day risen and I barely wanted to wake up. But I did anyway. I pulled the covers off of me and heard a thud outside of my window. I looked and saw a familiar mop of curly hair and beaming green eyes. I slid the window open and Harry crawled in.

"I thought you didn't like wandering in just underwear" said Harry---remembering the day after he and I had sex. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't---but you like to wander naked" I stated.

Harry sighed and gently rested his hands on my waist. I blushed a deep red. He pulled me closer to his body. I hesitated almost to grip his shoulders to keep my balance. Harry brushed his lips against mine before our lips fully connected.

I moved my lips with his before his kisses trailed to my neck. I clenched my jaw and gripped the front of his shirt---pulling him towards my bed. I collasped down and he hovered over me. His lips kissed my collar bone and I gasped due to the way he kissed my skin. His teeth slightly grew in the mixture---but not completely. I bit down on my lip as he continued to trail his lips to my torso and then to my abdomen.

I tightened my grip on the bed with one hand and clenched Harry's curl with the other. His teeth grew involed as he gently nibbled on my skin. I clenched my jaw tighter and Harry's lips ended back on mine once more. He then pulled away and allowed me to sit up.

"You okay?" asked Harry.

I nodded.

"Yeah---just y'know ready for another day."

Harry smiled before pecking my lips tenderly. He then stood and walked out of my room from the window. I sighed and closed it back.

Starlight {Zarry, Ziam, Zouis}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin