Chapter 5: Distractions

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                                                                         Chapter 5:


I stood still as I kept my eyes on my target. The baby mule did nothing but eat grass with its father and mother. My eye color grew a sharp black and my teeth became sharp like daggers---ready to attack my target. I clenched my jaw and drew closer. The father mule looked up and began to charge at me. I hissed and ran towards it. When I got close enough, I clutched its antlers and pulled them down. I sunk my teeth deep within the nape of its neck. It wailed and I crushed its bones with my arms around it. They shattered and the mule fell to the ground---eyes and mouth open as it laid lifeless. I looked directly at the mother as it made a strange noise. The baby mule left and I jumped at the mother mule. I wring my arms around its neck and sunk my teeth straight into its temple.

I stood once I threw it to the ground. I felt the scent of the baby mule and it was hard to release. My eyes grew a hard black and I zipped faster into the trees as I tracked down the baby. It was trapped in a bristle bush and I snickered. I leaped on my feet till I was in front of it. It yelped and wailed. I looked down into the animal's eyes and grabbed its little antlers. My teeth sharpened before I injected them into the side of its throat---killing it with one bite.

I left the bodies to rot and just walked through the trees. It is nice to act human a little. Walking instead of dashing every second. It makes me remember my humanity. It was blissful---wonderful. And now, it's all gone. That's why I have Zayn. To remind of it. His heart, eyes, warmth, skin, everything. Yet---this is me. Frozen in time. I will never find another heart like Zayn's since I am forever this way.

I come to a stop when I hear a dash noise from behind and travel straight ahead. I clenched my jaw. I slow it all down in my mind. At first I think it was Harry---but nothing can be faster than him. I replay what happened in my head slowly. The hair is a brilliant orange color, olive skin, and blood red eyes. The figure is small and feminine. I know who that is.

I start to hurry on my feet, chasing after her. I don't stay too close or far from her as I go after her. She then makes a far leap---over the whole entire woods almost and lands on the other of the road, continuing to dash. I rush and did a powerful leap---entering the other side of the road and in the trees. I run faster and faster till I make a short stop. A large gate with trees torn block my way. Dammit. Dead end.

I plunge my fist straight into the bark of the tree---creating a fresh chipped whole and the tree nearly breaking in two. I heard a giggle and a chuckle from behind. I whipped my head around and saw her leaning back on a tree with her arms folded across her chest, and a smile of trickery planted on her face. Delle.

"What's the matter Tomlinson---haven't seen you since I outran you and Styles in Canda. Ha-ha, not even Styles could catch me" she spat in my face.

I scowled at her.

"He almost did. You just mind-played him! Mind-played me! That's what through us off" I snarled.

She unfolded her arms and put her hands to her hips. "Oh? So---it had nothing to do with that Malik boy that Watson had almost killed---and that Liam saved?"

I clenched my jaw with my ocean-green eyes staring down into her blood red ones. I remember how my eyes used to be like that. I was a blood-addict when I was a fresh newborn. It was like I was out of control, that was until I was taken into the Renard Coven.

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