Chapter 7: Rueful

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                                                                Chapter 7:



I parked my car at the side of the road and saw Louis standing on the other side. He wore his blue jean jacket with a white tee underneath, blue jeans, and black boots under the jeans. He had his hands tucked deep within his pockets of his jacket. It hadn't surprised me to find him like this. He has been acting all sly and thinking about ways to get Zayn since Liam had left. I believe I am in sucess to getting a higher access to Zayn than any of them.

I stand in front of Louis. "What is this about Lou?" I asked.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and allowed me to look at the screeen. It showed the news at pause. "Look at this." He pressed play and I listened and watched.

"And last night the body of missing girl Amanda Lang was found in Natville Lake. Investigators believe that it was an animal attack---but question is, how did her body end up in the water?"  went the female news reporter. It paused when Louis stopped it.

"What the hell was that about?" I questioned. Louis zoomed in on Amanda's body and showed me the blood patches and everything on her body.

"See these?" I looked.

Those teeth marks do not belong to an animal---but to a demon. The marks on the neck were completely sloppy and it seemed like the demon that did it enjoyed the feeding and was very quick with it. "Who do you think did it?" I asked him.

He shoved the phone in his pocket and sighed. "I don't know---but my guess is Delle. After all, she's been on the run. I ran into her two days back."

I shook my head. "No," I began, "Delle's too careful with everything. Whether it be a bite or a killing or planning something. She couldn't have done it." Louis shrugged and leaned back on his car. "Unless---Delle created a newborn to do her dirty work for her."

Louis looked at me, unsure of my statement. I didn't understand my saying either. If Delle were to kill someone, she would have done it herself. Knowing Delle, she likes to be the center of attention.

"If it is a newborn, they sure enough may be hard to catch. After the Amanda thing---another body was found---Kenon Rodgers," informed Louis.

"Where was he found?"

"His body was covered with trash bags---probably to stay hidden. And guess what, the same teeth marks."

Our newborn must be really eager, or just simply smart enough to take whatever opportunity. "We have to find it before it takes out another victim" I suggest. Louis nods.

"But---if Delle is the creator..." he pauses, "...I'm going to make sure she pays."

I snorted. I went to my car and buckled up. I turned on the engine and drove down the road. As I did, I had a feeling that Delle may be the creator. Loosing Watson must have hurt her and she lost control and created a newborn for vengeance. I sighed and came to a red light.

My phone then buzzed and I answered. "Hello?" I asked.

"Harreh? It's Charse" went the voice on the other line. I snorted.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Did you hear about the---"

"Killings, yes. Lou and I are on it. We figured it was Delle at first, but she's too careful. The marks didn't seem to be Delle's anyways. So, it must a newborn" I tell her.

Charse snickers and speaks. "Good guessing. But that's not the only reason why I called."

"Why did you?"

"I want you to keep an eye on Zayn. This newborn is vicious---plus with Zayn's scent...we cannot take Zayn being a victim."

I nod and respond. "All right. How's Liam doing by the way?" I asked.

She sighed. "He's fine. We're all holding up fine here. Who knew that Italy was such a wonderful place?" I snorted. I then heard a female voice behind Charse's. "I have to go Harreh---keep an eye on Zayn. Liam would want that."

"I know" I say. "Charse---"

The phone line dies before I could even finish. I sigh and close the phone up. The light changes to green and I drive. I knew that I had to be on the look-out for the newborn, but Zayn is important to me.

I made a right turn and pulled up to Zayn's house. I unstrapped my belt and came out of the car. I walked to the door and knocked. There, stood Jake, who answered the door.

"Hello Harry," he said. "Zayn's upstairs, come in." I walked in and went upstairs to Zayn's room. The door was closed and I opened it slowly.

I saw Zayn sitting up with his knees pulled in and his arms wrapped around his legs. He just stared into the space, not moving. He seemed to be thinking about something. And since I cannot read his thoughts---I do not know what it is.

I sigh as I close the door behind me, once I am inside his room. He looks at me. A half smile appears on his face and I smile.

"Hey" I said---walking over to him.

"Hi" he responded, blankly. I sat beside him on the bed and touched his shoulder, he stiffened. I quickly removed my hand.

"You all right?" I knew he wasn't. Li was gone and Zayn doesn't know how to feel. Between me, Louis, and Liam fighting for his love---I think he is confused. But I can make sure that he ends up with me. I will make him happy.

He nods. "Yeah." I can tell he is lying. "I just---y'know. I miss Liam...that's all." He then sighs and snorts. "I should just forget it. I should---but..."

"You can't" I say---finishing his sentence.

Silence came from Zayn and I sighed. He caressed my cheek and sighed. "It's not that---I don't care about you Harry. I just don't know, if I am ready...for a relationship. Whether it be you or someone else---I just can't right now." The words he say make cramps enter inside my stomach.

I nod before I lean in and kiss his lips. I gently pull away and show a half smile. He looks down while blushing and biting the corner of his bottom lip.

"When you are ready---I will be forever here" is all I said before I get up and leave his room.

Once I closed the door behind me, I feel a huge ball erupt in my throat and I clenched my jaw, tightly. I walked down the steps and Jake looked at me. "Everything all right?" he asked---concerned.

"Yes," I lied--- making my way to the door. "Everything is...fine."

I walked out of the house and went straight to my car. I swung open the car door and slammed it shut once I was inside. I didn't know how to feel at this moment.

I cared for Zayn more than I cared about anyone. I loved him. Since the day I first met him, I was emotionally drawn to him. He is addicting.

I started the car and sighed. I drove down the road, holding the tears that wanted to escape from my eyes.

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