Chapter 9: Over The Tightrope

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                                                                       Chapter 9:

                                                              Over The Tightrope


"All right boys!" called out our gym teacher, Mister Wiggins. "I want you to go in the locker room and wash up! Great work today." He the blew his whistle---dismissing us. I sighed and looked over at Harry, who was talking to a girl with blond sunshine hair, and olive green eyes. They laughed and Harry showed that smile I liked to her.

My throat closed. Is he---flirting with her? Or she doing that to him? Either way, their is sparks in their eyes. Harry never looked at me the way he is to her. There isn't lust in his eyes, but care and love. I started to remember the words, the promise he made me two days back....

"When you are ready---I will be forever here..."

....My throat grew tighter. I sighed and walked straight into the lockerroom. I could see that Harry really knows how to move on---early. He promised that he would stay and wait for me. He lied---such a good liar. I stripped my clothes off as I stood in my changing stall and I entered the shower. The warm water trickles down my back and I bit down on my lip. I wanted to forget everything--yet, it was hard to.

I washed the soap off my back and as I did, the water grew from warm to hard cold. I shivered and as I turned---I reached for the nob to turn the temperature, and I noticed something on my hand. I looked. It was crimson red and it was slick. It was dripping down my hand. It was my blood. I was loosing my blood for some reason. I tried to stop it by using the water from the shower head. It did. I watched as my blood drained into the drain. I didn't know how this could happen. Had I rubbed against something and it scratched my hand? Who knows?

I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around my waist before I exited the shower. I went to my stall and dried my skin. I moisturized my skin and threw on my clothes. I wore a simple blue shirt with a pair of black pants and my white sneakers. It gave off a sympathetic look, but I managed...

"Mister Malik, you okay?" asked Mister Wiggins---as I tied my sneakers. I looked up to see his face. Blonde hair that was cropped short, big hazel eyes, olive skin. "You seemed quite out of it today." He sat beside me on the bench. "Something troubling you?"

I wanted to tell him about my situation---but he is a teacher. And plus, I am not sure that he would understand. I sighed. I shook my head as I chewed on the bottom of my lip. "No, sir" I managed out. "I am fine---just...not in the mood for gym today."

His eyes widened and his mouth opened partly. Usually, I am ready for gym---or any class as a matter of fact. This shocked him deeply.

He cleared his throat. "Well---um, I hope next week, you feel better." He stood up to leave and there, he went. I sighed.

I put on my red hoodie and zipped it up halfway. I bit down on my lip as I left the locker room. I was still caught up in the thoughts of Harry and that girl. He seemed to be happy with her. I looked over to notice Harry and that girl still talking. This time, they share whispers and giggles.

My heart beats an irregular pace. I wanted to go over and interfere---but it makes it too obvious that I still like Harry. I just walked and looked over only to see the blond girl give Harry a gently kiss on the lips. The ball in throat formed and enlarged. I don't even think my heart is beating right now.

Starlight {Zarry, Ziam, Zouis}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang