Chapter 18

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Granville Estate
Shrewsbury, England
The Duke of Richmond's Drawing Room

 Granville Estate Shrewsbury, EnglandThe Duke of Richmond's Drawing Room

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Georgia awoken with a slight ringing in her head. What had happened to her? Very drowsy, deep, brown eyes opened before her and she blinked a few times to clear her vision. What had happened to her? She asked the question to herself again as if that would somehow give way to the answer. She didn't fail to notice that she was somehow laying perched on a golden settee but she noticed the room around her did not seem the like the Duke's parlor she had been previously in.

"Oh, drat!" She whispered under her breath wincing a little as she positioned herself up on her elbows some more while rubbing a hand over her throbbing temples that did not seem to ease with her movements, but were starting to grow terribly worse by the second and she wished she had still been asleep dreaming of blissful things as she just were.

Just then a young maid seemed to enter the room and froze when she saw her awake.

"Lady Pearson has awaken! Your Grace, Dr. Narrymore, please you both must come at once!" Georgia heard the young woman say as she immediately ran right back out the room.

"Wait, where am-..." Georgia just started to ask the woman before she darted down the hall. She winced again. Speaking only intensified the headache.

Francis's heart was beating in his ears, stomach and legs as he seemed to not be able to move his feet fast enough to the drawing room in his countryside estate. He had summoned Dr. Narrymore at least an hour ago and had been all but describing exactly what happened to Lady Pearson as they both awaited in his study for her to officially awaken. He should have been right by her side not a flight of stairs away. He cursed himself for being a bad host, but ultimately he knew it was more than that. He'd been worried sick since Lady Georgia landed on his dinning room floor with a large thud and over flowing skirts piled all around her.

Her pale body lay before him and the only thing he could focus on was the beautiful and unique shape of the pale whites of her ankles which he never even got the chance to admire the night before, but promised himself whenever she had awoken that he would make it his most desirable mission. As well as a few other things he could think of, but first he'd at least make sure she was alright. His chest tightened as he entered the drawing room.

Oh, no. The sight of her didn't look well at all. Georgia sat now sitting all the way up however her head hung down between both of her thighs and she seemed to be rubbing both her temples in circles. She looked up at him and winced with tears sparkling in her eyes and he rushed to her in an instant.

"Lady Georgia, what be the matter?" The pain he saw in her eyes was too much causing his chest to tighten even further. He wanted to take all her pain away in an instant. He wished that he could be the very one in pain and swap places with her. No, he couldn't bare the look in her eyes, not for one more second.

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