Chapter 6 - Sweet Dreams

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Alessa's POV

I woke up in the middle of the damn night, my mind still tangled in the clutches of a freaking nightmare. My heart was pounding like crazy, and I felt like a damn mess.  I reached for the necklace Ace had given me, running my fingers over its smooth surface.

I dragged myself out of bed, feeling like a complete wreck and desperately needing a drink. My throat was as dry as a desert, so I stumbled my way to the kitchen. Man, those dark circles under my eyes were a dead giveaway that I hadn't gotten proper shut-eye in ages.

I flopped down on the bed, stretching out like a starfish, hoping that this ridiculous position would somehow coax sleep to come knocking on my door.

But sleep? Yeah, that was playing hard to get

I lay there for what felt like an eternity, mind racing and body aching for rest. So, in a moment of desperation, I grabbed my phone and dialed up Ace. He was the only one awake, thanks to the stupid time difference.

"Hey, Baby," he greeted me as soon as he answered the phone, his voice warm and familiar.

"Hey," I replied, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks because that's exactly what happened every time he called me that. It was like he had this magical power over me.

"Why the hell are you still up? Another nightmare, hmm?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.

I let out a weary sigh, the weight of the nightmares still lingering in my voice. "Yeah, unfortunately."

His voice softened "I'm sorry, babe. But hey, guess what? I'm coming over tomorrow, and I promise you, I'll kick those nightmares' asses."

I let out a hesitant sigh, not wanting to burden him with my troubles. "You don't have to come tomorrow, Ace. I'll be okay, really."

But he interrupted me, "Alessa, I don't care. I promised you that I'll always be there for you, no matter what. I'm coming over, and we'll spend the whole day together.

I felt a lump forming in my throat, "Ace, I... I don't know what to say."

He chuckled softly, his voice filled with warmth. "You don't have to say a thing. Just know that I love you. How about I let you get some sleep now?"

"But I can't sleep, Ace. These nightmares are messing with my head."

He let out a sympathetic sigh. "Talk to me baby, It's okay. So, let's talk about something much more fun. Remember that date at the beach?"

"Oh yeah! That day was pure awesomeness. The sun, the waves, and you... Damn, it couldn't get any better."

A low chuckle rumbled through the phone. "You got that right, babe. We owned that beach."

"Well, you did, technically." I teased him.

A deep chuckle rumbled through the phone. "Haha, You're so funny," He said in a sarcastic tone, making me giggle.

"Yeah, I know," I say laughing, We kept talking about more dates and how much fun we used to have and soon I drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Gradually, the weariness took hold, my eyelids growing heavier. The sound of Ace's voice became a soothing lullaby, guiding me toward a slumber. With a contented sigh, I whispered, "Goodnight, Ace."

"Sweet dreams, babe," he whispered back. 



How r you'll?

I have a question....Was the story better before it after? Like when Ace wasn't her bf and all?

Check out my insta - Luciferhades574. I will post spoilers. And lot of other things.


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